Steve left for boot camp May 13th. Steve's dog Shadow is still not himself. My wife is very quiet, definitely not herself. I have been through this before when our oldest daughter, Lisa went away to college. This time is different. This time there are no daily phone calls, just one brief call to say I'm at Great Lakes, I'm safe, I love you Mom. This time it has hit me, I feel like a piece of me is missing. Steve and I are both volunteer fire fighters, when the whistle blows we are out the door, now it is just me. I do have allot of community support, but at times it just seems to emphasize the fact that Steve is not here. Don't get me wrong, I am very proud that Steve has joined the Navy. What I have come to realize is just how imbeded in this community my twenty year old son had become. Every where I go someone asks, "how is Steve doing?" Most kid his age don't have an impact on their community like Steve has, he was an asset our small town. Now that is something to be proud of.The "box" arrived this week. My wife recognized the hand writing and had tears in her eyes when she carried the box in the house. As we unpacked the box our moody became more cheerful as we talked about some of the funny things that Steve had done in the past.Our family wiil get through this and be stronger for it. Now I am looking forward to graduation.That is all for now.
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  • You'll get through it. My son left for bc in July '08. He is now serving with the fleet at NAS Jax as an E3 airman. Makes me proud every day. He left a boy (barely 18) and has become a man. Sometimes they have to leave home to do that. Once his PIR is out of the way, communication will (more or less) be restored. My son doesn't call as much as we'd like, but he is learning how to make it as an adult...
  • Jeff, I understand exactlywhat you mean. My son and I worked together for almost 2 years...we drove to work together, had lunch together, and then drove home. It was tough when he went to GL, but PIR was great. We spent 2 days with him and then he went to P'cola and was there for 2 months. Today, I saw my only child fly off to Japan and this has been a rough day to say the least. Hang in there. It will get better. Your son has just embarked upon a great and wonderful journey and you and your family will be there the entire way! Best of luck...we all understand what you are going through.
  • Sounds very familiar Jeff but hang in there, me the wife and my sons 3 siblings had a very hard time as well but it does get easier especially when you get the first letter or phone call.And then there's Graduation Wow your gonna love the "ceremony" Trust me your going to cry like a Baby, You think your a proud Father now, you Waite till you see him after boot camp.My son is now in A School in Pensacola he graduates June 2nd and he just received his orders last Week, He will be going to Japan on the USS-Essex .At least he gets to come Home for 36 days before leaving and we will enjoy every minute of it.Good luck to you and your Sailor.
  • Sounds like a great young man. He will do fine. It will be awhile before you hear from him, but he will come out strong and have some stories to tell. I remember the "box". It is that rite of passage, and he is way past that now. In the quite time now, you remember how he was. All the while he is building what he will become. Great things are in store for someone who has the ability to have an impact on others like it sounds your son as done before. Whatever he chooses, he will do well, and you both won't be able to contain your pride. My son shipped out on Memorial day 2 years ago. Today he is a Rescue Swimmer AW3 on the USS George Washington. He just left two days ago on his first tour from Japan and will be out to sea for four months, but it is what he has been looking forward to for a long time. I have never been prouder than the day I "pinned" his wings on in SanDiego last November. While your son is in for the time of his life, so you and your wife will too! Enjoy every moment. You will be asking for more every time. All the best to your son, and thank you for his service!
  • Everyone here at NavyDads has been or is going through this experience Jeffrey....when you need support or answers, be sure to post your concerns...there is a ton of support here!
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