Thank you all

Hello all. Still new to this site so don't know how to reply to each of you . So I will have to make a group Thank You for the welcome aboard and info.

Many new things for an old sailor like me to get used to. I was in boot camp in San Diego in 1964, and was totally shocked to learn there is no "boot liberty" or "boot leave" anymore. Its the new Navy with new terms and proceedures, but no boot leave!?!?!?!?!?

And the new working unifroms? When the recuiter came to the house before I at first thought he was a Marine! He never even heard of undress blues. The blue shirts and jeans that us oldblue jackets wore for many generations now replaced by the jump suits, not very Navy looking for us older guys. The most shocking was he didn't know what Battleship Row was.

The good news is that boots today are treated better than we were, and thats a good thing. I'm grateful to all of you and NavyDads to have a place to learn of all the new proceedures, terms and info I can find here. For example I was a mothball but my son is a smurf. Same idea about new recuits but for different reasons. So I will continure to read, and learn. Thanks to you all and this old fa_t will continue to learn and be so proud of my son. Craig

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  • Glad to have you here Craig...explore the site and don't be afraid to ask questions!!!!

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