The Box

The box arrived today.  I was expecting it, and it's presence was no surprise.  However, when I opened it, I was very disappointed to find that my son returned his Catholic Devotional.  I only hope he returned it because of fear of asking, and not because he was required to do so. 
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  • Thank you for responding.  It sounds like he gave up his Devotional willingly and without force or coercion, but also out of fear of asking permission to keep it.  The Devotional is 5" by 3", a pocket version of all of his Catholic beliefs.  Space in the locker I don't believe is an issue.  I understand they are quite busy every day, with a little downtime on Sunday (Church time).  I think there should be some leeway, even encouragement, for religious items, as this, for every recruit.  The virtues instilled in Ryan, as I believe in every recruit, is to serve not only your Country, but your God as well.  Again, thank you both for your time and consideration to respond.   
  • I agree with Tim, there is very little space in the lockers and it is a time of intense instruction and once out of boot camp your son will have more space for personal items.
  • George,

         I can't speak for the navy, I can only speak from the experience that I had with my son when he was at Recruit Training Command. I was surprised by some of the items in the box that my daughter-in-law recieved as they were things that we were told by his recruiter that he could take and have with him while he was at RTC. I do know that (also from trevor's experince at RTC) one thing that is embedded in them is one 1 band, 1 sound. Now I'm not suggesting that they try to make them forget where they come from or change their personal beliefs. Although they do put eery recruit on an even keel. It does not matter if you come from (for instance) the richest family, the poorest family, East coast, West coast the Heartland or your religious preference. The Navy has a job to do and that is to get sailors to work together for one common goal. Protecting our Great Country.

         I guess what I am trying to say is that if your son returned his devotional its not that he was forced to do so by the Navy as much as it was something that he did not need with him while he is at RTC for the next 8 weeks. Once he gets out of RTC and gets to his A-school he will be asking for you to send his devotional back to him. Also the next 8 weeks will be the busiest time of his young life. Monday thru Saturday for the next 8 weeks he will be so busy that time will fly by so fast for him that he won't even realize that it has been 8 weeks. You will hear him talking with some of his fellow recruits about something that happened in their first week of basic as it happened just yesterday.

         This is a choice that your son has made so support him to the fullest extent that you can and have faith that you have instilled the best virtues in him. God speed to you, your family and Bravo Zulu to your sailor.

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