The first 24 Hours

Thank you to each of you for your warm welcome. Well, John left yesterday for RTC. We got the call last night at 1:00am from him for 10 seconds or so stating he was there and would call again in 3 weeks. I heard a loud voice in background shouting "You Have 5 Minutes!" then the line went dead. We didn't have a chance to say anything. Yesterday, at MEPS his recruiter said they would not sleep the first night and it would be tonight before they get sleep. Is that correct? Wow, after getting up at 3:30am yesterday they must be beyond exhausted.
I am looking forward to the future as a Navy Dad.
Rod Keefe

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  • The journey begins...

  • the point of keeping them up for so long is to re-set their biological clock......they will be so tired that they will all sleep at the same time regardless of the time zone they came from or the number of zombies they killed all night long as a civilian.....

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