This sailor has stood the watchWhile some of us were in our bunks at nightThis sailor stood the watchWhile some of us were in school learning our tradeThis shipmate stood the watchYes.. even before some of us were born into this worldThis shipmate stood the watchIn those years when the storm clouds of war were seen brewing on the horizon of historyThis shipmate stood the watchMany times he would cast an eye ashore and see his family standing thereNeeding his guidance and helpNeeding that hand to hold during those hard timesBut he still stood the watchHe stood the watch for his years enlistedHe stood the watch so that we, our families andOur fellow countrymen could sleep soundly in safety, Each and every nightKnowing that a sailor stood the watchToday we are here to say'Shipmate... the watch stands relievedRelieved by those You have trained ,Guided, and LeadShipmate you stand relieved.. we have the watch..."
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