A bulletin popped up on Navy facebook from TSC Great Lakes stating in so many words that Dec. 16 until Jan 2 will be Holiday Leave. My son will be graduating PIR this Friday, the 14th and attending the TSC Great Lakes. I'm cautiously optimistic at this time. Should I plan on this or should I standby? (My Navy dad had many stories of his Navy days and superiors changing plans on many occasions. The South Pacific during WWII may have been a little different, however)
2nd - My son wrote that they finished some marching drills and got their "Drivers License" with ability to "sing" at graduation march. I got the impression this is a good thing. I apologize if this is already in the archives somewhere, but can anyone clarify for me?
did you ever get any clarification? their FB page is at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Training-Support-Center-TSC-Great-Lak...
you want to ask there
I would standby.....I can't look right now (at work so don't tell the boss!!!), but there should be a link somewhere on the internet to TSC PAO or the like that would be alble to answer your question...try going to their FB page and look at INFO or LINKS....a lot of the time they will post an email address or contact info to the PAO at the bottom of the INFO page