USS Detroit

Hi everybodyI was wondering if anybody knows of when the USS DETROIT will be in Detroit next month? And if so when and how much is the cost to see it and if their is anything special for the the navy parents or family.
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  • Dannelle, the commissioning of the USS Detroit is going to be on October 22. Keep an eye out in the local news and they will be giving tours of the ship for the entire week prior. I'm sure that when she come into port, you'll see her on the news!

  • Well, I was looking at some related stories out of the Detroit media market, and no one is listing a date. But that's not too surprising as normally those kind of dates are kept from the media until almost the last moment. Plus, the ship is still in Wisconsin being detailed with it's final fitting. Hasn't even launched yet according to news sources. Just keep you eyes and ears open to your local media. If your sailor is one of her crew, he/she might be able to provide you more details.

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