What A Great Site

I have been searching the web since my son went off to boot camp looking for information what to expect when he goes off to A school . Then today just 3 days before he graduates from boot camp I got lucky a found this site. I look forward to communicating with other proud navy dads from around this great nation of ours.
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  • Congratulations and thank you for your sailor! By now you have probably seen your sailor and are quite proud I'm sure. My daughter has been in since May of 09 and is currently on the Eisenhower headed to the Mediteranean and Middle East. You will hopefully be able to spend time with your son now that he has graduated which will be a much needed reunion. My daughter was grad and go so I only got to see her for a day before she left for her A-school. She was gone for another 2 months before she finally got to come home for 2 weeks during Thanksgiving. Well tell your son thank you for his service and don't hesitate to communicate.
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