Would like some info on STG school.

My son will be going to sonar school in San Diego soon. Does anyone have any info they can tell me? like; Where the school is actually located, how long he will be there, what are the rules on liberty, clothing, housing, personal items, car, etc..., etc... Throw a guy a bone here will ya.”

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  • I know this is a really old thread but do the liberty phases stay the same if the sailor has attended ATT school and has already reached phase 3 there?

  • thanks Jim and Paul you guys have been very helpful

  • these were general A-school liberty rules a couple of years ago:

    Phase I is for sailors who have just arrived. They are required to wear their uniforms at all times outside of their barracks, are not allowed to leave base and are required to muster three times each day. 

    Phase II sailors have been at the school for an average of 2-6 weeks. They can wear civilian clothes and they can go off-base - only with a liberty buddy.  They are not allowed to stay out overnight.

    Phase III are sailors who have been at the school approximately 4-12 weeks and have shown personal responsibility. They no longer have to attend evening muster and can stay out overnight.

  • think the school is located here: http://www.cnic.navy.mil/POINTLOMA/index.htm

  • and the responses in the A-School group http://www.navydads.com/group/aschoolfordads

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