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Just got the I'm here call

We just got the I'm here and will talk to you in three weeks call. It was good to hear he made it safely but he sounded tired. Thanks for the notes and comments. It's good to know you not alone and others feel the same way. It will be good to hear from him in three weeks to see how he is doing.
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Just got home from hotel drop off

Well we just got home from dropping my son off at the hotel. It took a long time to get to this new chapter in all our lives starting over a year ago when he sprung the new he was joining the Navy, but he made it. No bells or whistles but lots of tears and hugs. It's a strange feeling watching your little boy turn into a man almost over night. Even though I know he is going to be fine and he is looking forward for what is ahead of him, it's still hard to watch him go. It's also going to be strange to see how fast but long 8 weeks will be before graduation. As the time goes by I'll try to post what I can when I am able to hear from him. I know that communication during boot camp is very limited, and for good reasons, I hope to hear how things are going and what is doing. His mom and I thought we could not be any more proud of him then the day he passed induction, but we were wrong. As the weeks and days went by we could see a change cone over him. He argued less with his mom and took on more personal responsibility for him actions. He even helped in our store with out giving us grief.If any other dad's have someone heading to the lakes this week let me know. I love to hear how you new adult is doing.God bless all that have searved before, with and after my son, no matter the reason why they chose to serve, they are of a special group that all should be thankful for.
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My son will be graduating in a few short months and then I think he is trying to get into some medical class .I think it's so awesome he is way smarter than I was.I think of and pray for our guys daily and ask others to do the same.It's hard not to be personal here but we all need to watch certainly names but also dates.I was wondering if security will be stepped up with recent threats?If so that would make me feel better.I wish all our sailors family's well in these crazy times of the dirtbags the terrorist God bless.
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Start of A school

               My son leaves for bootcamp on april 7,2015 and he is ready to shove off. His

        mom & i are very proud of him. My question is, how soon does the bootcamp staff

        know when his A school class will start? I have heard that some start late, some

        sailors leave as early as 5:30am on saturday after PIR on friday. Go Navy

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Thanks everyone for your kind words of encouragement and information. This is definitely a great support group for Navy Dads!

Below is a transcription of my son's first letter home from boot camp. Thought I'd share it...

Dear Mom and Dad,


It’s been an interesting couple of weeks here at the Great Lakes. It seems every passing day blends in with the past few weeks. It’s not too bad here, we PT fairly easily except when we get in trouble for talking or some such thing, then the PT is enough to make me sweat! Haha! We’re marching better every day now, I secured the guidon position for the moment. The guidon essentially drives the division from the front right side, I even get to carry our divisions flag! That’s pretty cool.


The food is good and healthy as can be, I’ve actually lost a little body fat because there’s no opportunity to snack on sugary filled foods. The Recruit Division Commanders aren’t too bad, sure they yell some, but that’s just their job and if you follow protocol they’re really helpful. With my position as guidon I can’t hold a staff job, but I’m being noticeable and helpful in any way I can so I’ll get advanced to E-3.


I took the DEP test and although I don’t know for certain I think I passed.The test wasn’t too bad and I was well prepared after all, now I just have to pass the PFA. I’m not worried about my abilities, just about losing on a technicality. Anyways, long story short, things are going well here and we’re trucking along nicely. It’s not what I would call “fun” but I’m not hating it and I can’t wait to see you guys at graduation.


So what’s going on in the world? They don’t tell us much in here, we just have bits and pieces occasionally, I’m dying for some current events, haha! We went to chapel today as well, I’ve never appreciated praise and worship so much after not having any music for 2 weeks. Anyways, times almost up so I have to sign off, I love you guys and I’m thinking of you all the time.





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Got back from graduation from great lakes. Stayed at navy lodge. Everything was great. Loved the graduation 599 of the navys finest. Resturants were great. Tai sushi and jakes pizza. Only bad thing was he had to fly out 530 am saturday morning. Not much time. Very proud of my son but miss him dearly.
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