Got 3 letters today and Joey passed all his tests and inspections. Their division is first out of 5 divisions. He won a ribbon for sharp shooting and passed his running test....(think there is one more) but he did it on the injured knee in record time. He got to get out for 3 hours last Saturday to go out to eat and other activities for their division for scoring so high. He was ranked/rated as a 3rd class Navy swimmer (not sure what that is or means) but what ever it does I am so proud of him. FYI they got "best division group out of all for academics" and my son in law who was in the Navy says that his division may be 1st to march out! Or that was how it was when he was there 9 years ago. He said in one of the letters that if they finish over all higher than the other divisions (as well as they started) that they will graduate as "hall of fame division". One happy Navy mom right now.....under 13 days til PIR.......I feel like jumping all around and doing cart wheels around my apt.
All Posts (3)
MEPS - Done!
MEPS was such an adventure! I met great people, though I was the oldest of everyone there (I'm 29). After going through the ASVAB (96 score) and the medical examination (just reaching my max weight of 160 lbs.), I was finally sworn in at 4:00 pm on 2014 05 28. There was a sense of great pride from all of us standing before the American flag and our service flags.
I chose a job in Advanced Electronics / Computer Field. I'm excited. I signed a contract for 6 years plus 2 inactive.
still waiting for the "official form letter"
ok question? Is anyone else still waiting for their "official form letter". Mine still has not got to me. I wrote my son and his father told him on his last call to him. Starting to worry and to think that I am the only one still waiting on this. PIR is in 15 days......anyone???? suggestions please or help?!!!
I was told not to worry if I have all the information (ship, division, PIR date, who's on the list, and the password) all of which I have, but I would feel much better having this letter in my hand.
Why the NAVY term used for Engineers is "SNIPES"
"I'm Gone" -my son wrote this a week before he left for Great Lakes
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