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Ask a Sailor

Hi everyone. My son and his fellow sailors have started a group (Ask a Sailor). They thought this might be helpful for parents to ask actual sailors about their experience's in bootcamp, A school, and things to come. They will check in with the group once a day to read the questions and find the answers to what us parents would like to ask. This could be one of the most helpful tools on this site. A big thank you to the Sailors who are willing to help out us dear old parents. Also I would love not only you to use this group, but maybe have your son or daughter join in with the other Sailors to help answer our questions. HOOYA!
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I try to write this everyday
my tongue gets tied on what to say
you guided me through good and bad
I'm leaving soon but don't be sad
A man I am thanks to ya'll
I promise you that I will call
You've raised me right
and that I know
through laughs and fights
which made me grow
your sons a sailor
and damn proud to be
I'm serving our country
the home of the free
so when you can't sleep
just look at the sky
on that ship
so will I
I'm not scared
there's no reason to be
beleive in God
like you've taught me
four years I'm gone
alot will change
don't let Jessica forget my name
a life to live
and alot to see
thank you guys
for loving me

written by Evan Moore

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