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Yesterday was one of my proudest moments to this date.. My daughter left for Great Lakes. I was there for the final swearing in and was able to spend pretty much the whole day with her untill her flight took her away. I must thank the volunteers with the USO for making my day much more enjoyable. They made me feel even more proud of my daughter than I already was.. Just a simple "Thank You for serving our country" kinda hit home. And put it all in perspective. I have not flown commercialy since 9/11 but have heard about all the changes, and assumed that I would be pretty much leaving my daughter at the door, and going back to the car and waiting for her call. I am pleased to say that, that is not at all how it happened.. Long story short, The Gentlemen with the USO were able to get my wife and I passes so we could sit with her at the boarding gate, just like the old days... This gave us nearly 2 more hours to spend with her before she left. Shortly after her plane pulled away from the gate, there was a lady there who started asking questions as to why we were there and not on the plane and such.. My wife and I proceeded to explain that our daughter just left for boot camp. She then started asking more questions as to how it all came to be that she wanted to join the Navy. And as we told the story, it kinda made me think about the past few months in a different way. And when this lady thanked us for being supportive, and told us to be sure and thank her for serving our country, I once again got that sense of pride that I think only a parent can have.
The phone call was short and sweet just as I expected. but it was nice to hear her voice and to know that all was well. She left me a list of things to do after she left, ie. suspend cell phone plan untill she has access to her phone again, let her friends and family know her address when I get it,,, just things like that.. She also said that I should be getting a phone call from her in about 3 weeks.. I will have to say I am going to be looking forward to that day...