Like many parents that come and go at NavyDads, I too was active while our daughter was in boot camp. I remember all too well picking everyone's brain about boot, what to do, letters and graduation. Steadfastly, as they have done all these years, NavyDads and its members offered the same advice and sage wisdom to a frantic parent.
Fast forward two years from my last post and my daughter was discharged from the Navy and two minutes later re-enlisted for another tour at her station. She has won sailor of the quarter at her base twice this year, earned her wings, and is contention for the "Sailor of the Year" this December.
We are going to Europe soon to spend two weeks with her while she is on leave. It is so hard not to see your child in two year stints. Thank God and the wonders of science that we have Skype and similar forms of communication to visit and stay in touch. Last year, at Christmas, I moved a monitor to the floor in front of the tree and skyped our morning of opening packages and having breakfast. Great experience.
She has found a grove, she actually likes her station and does her job. She performs her service with a bit of grumbling and looks forward towards making her plans come to fruition. She has made navy friends along the way and keeps up on their wanderings around the world.
This update has a two fold purpose. One, just as explained above, this sailor continues to put one foot in front of the other. Maturing along the course laid out before her. Two, for those that have just sent off their little one to boot, as far away as PIR seems to be and their first station, there are more milestones to watch for. Their first eval, that new stripe and the hours of study for their wings. And, when they discharge, that flight home or that phone call explaining that they are not finished with the Navy just yet.
Enjoy the trip and always encourage your kid to do more than is expected. They will figure it out.