Everyone check it out. It is my first video to make. Look for your Sailors in it. If I left your child out I am sorry. I dug through the photos on our site to make this. I might have missed someone. I hope you all enjoy it.
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For some reason in the activity, groups, and discussions the underlining writing such as time of last activity ex. minutes or hours of last activity have faded into the background color. How many members in the groups is faded into the background. Also the discussions are having the same problem. I have contacted my network through which I run this site through. Hopefully they will have this fixed soon.
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By request from one of our fine members. We now have live chat. Live chat will be in the tabs (Live Chat) on the top of the main page and also at the very bottom of the main page. To chat simply type your text in the white box beside the smiley face and hit enter on your keyboard for it to post. This might be neat to actually meet others in live chat and be able to have a conversation real time. I hope ya'll enjoy!
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We survived Gustav! We got lucky by the storm falling apart at the end. The people in New Orleans were very lucky this time. My advice is they better get busier strengthening those levee's. God definitely spared the Gulf Coast this time. We have had a lot of rain here so flooding will be are only threat. Now it's time to watch Hannah and send our Prayers towards that neck of the woods. We will be praying for our members on the East coast.
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