• Dec 25, 2008 all day
  • Location: YOUR OWN HOMES.......
  • Latest Activity: Dec 6, 2022
Navy4Moms are lighting Candles on Dec 25th for 12 hours...they are Blue Candles.. this it to remember our sons and daughters who will not be home and their families. Please RSVP with where you are from so we will know how many we have being lit. If you will light a blue candle please do so. Thankyou DadWatson hubby of Alicia Texas Mom mother of Chris on N4M's.
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  • we are lighting 4 candles for our daughter
  • Please light as many as you wish and tell as many of your friends as you like. The Navy Moms today was able to post they had reached and had responses from all 50 states... today. They are lighting and passing them out at work and at church and anywhere people listen and the people do and are happy to help out. The beauty of the event was each could do from their own home city and states and participate...Thankyou all for your comments and Yes we have several blue candles...My wife wrapped as Christmas presents I think for everyone she knew... little blue candles wrapped in little thoughts for her friends to light.. Okay so she is a woman... I bought 1 blue candle and thought...hmmmmm maybe I should pass this onto my truck driving buddies ...so I find myself on an old cb..... saying...hey good buddy would you light a blue candle for the military not Coming home on Christmas day and honor them and their families... and every so often I hear..... 10-4 good buddy we have your back door.
    I haven't used that CB in years.. I now have an onboard computer.... but you know...nothing like an old cb.
  • We will also be lighting a blue candle here in Mississippi for all our Sailors. We are very blessed to have our sailor home I do think of all the parents who do not God bless all of you. Cindy
  • We will be lighting a Blue candle here in Welcome North Carolina for all Sons and Daughters who will not be home with their Families.
  • Natalie,,, thanks for lighting the candle... We will be thinking of your family and y our recruit.
  • I will be lighting a candle in Burbank , CA for my son and all others this Christmas. He will only be in Boot Camp for 1 week this Christmas as he leaves in 4 days.
  • Any blue Candle....lit in honor of sailors and families of those not being home is good. Please remember to RSVP , and where from... I am in Canyon Lake and I put on my candle...Thoughts of you are gently wrapped in prayers.. Your candle can say anything or nothing...LIGHT THE BLUE CANDLE AND WE THANKYOU
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