
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc


Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

I am E.G.'s wife and the mother of Evan. I am so proud of our son and all he has accomplished this far.Also, of my husband for starting this site.

What Brought You To This Site:

My son is currently serving

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

Proud, Supportive, Worried

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • Guess who got busy this afternoon! We went to see the new Harry Potter movie. It was really good, lengthy (2.5 hrs). During the movie I received a text attack from Kelson's girlfriend. Needless to say, I totally forgot about calling anyone as we were having a family discussion. Calgone take me away!! I will get you called this week.
  • I believe it's my turn to call you! I am better since my July 5th comment. However, he's still going to drive me crazy. Heehee....I just thought of how often you tell me Jesse's gonna drive you crazy. Yeah, he's talking a Dec. 28th wedding, at Calif City Hall (her mom's encouraging it), just cuz he can move off base and get that housing allowance. Yeah....kids. I know you're busy and Kelson starts a tennis tournament tomorrow. Will you be busy in Sunday? of course you will. I guess I should've asked what's the best time to call on Sunday.
  • Cindy ~ I wanna scream! Morgan is driving me crazy!!!
  • I know you are really, really, really, busy. However, could you please let me know if you, Elmo, and the rest of the gang are doing ok?
  • I think my friend is still lost!!!!! Quick update from graduation. He got a car while I was there, texted today that he's been assigned to the BAS, which is not what he wanted. It's a mini hospital in the field. He wanted the front line, so disappointed that he won't be with his guys. As it stands now, he'll be deployed for a year the first part of 2010 to a not so good place. Here's hoping that we'll have one more Christmas with him. However, my guess is that he'll be in Seattle with Ally.

    What's the latest and greatest on your family?
  • I will be looking forward to our chat and to hear your stories! Talked to Morgan this evening. It sounds like he'll be deployed at the end of the month. Of course, he won't know for sure until he graduates.

    You have a great Mother's Day as well. I'm sure you'll get spoiled. Elmo and the kids wouldn't have it any other way! I hear I'm taking Martin to the new Star Trek movie.
  • Oh you sly girl....waiting until EG has me on the phone and then getting to welcome Carl before I can....and then having EG tell me to rub it in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I can't believe my comment of April 15th is the last one. You are way to busy, my friend! My battery's charged again...so you can call anytime. hint hint. It's okay, I could've called, too.

    Morgan is better than he was in my last comment. However, his mom is in bc mode this week. The three platoons are out in the field until Thursday afternoon. Come in, drop off their gear, head to mando study, then they can go back to their rooms. Wake up Fri morning to take their last test...which is on the things you should've learned while in Marine bc! Our guys haven't been through Marine bc! That's what this week and next week is suppose to be for. grrr. Sorry, lettin off steam. Anyway, two weeks from tonight we'll be sitting in a restaurant with other CP Corpsman families and their corpsman. I am so excited. Can't wait. Have to share him with Ally, but it's my new way of life.

    How are things with Evan and Kayla...right? When are they headed your way? I can't remember but it does seem to be sticking in my mind that they'll be at your place while we're in Cali. You and EG? Michael, Trey, and dear sweet little Jessie? ;-)

    Hope to hear from you soon. I have a Navy mom staying with us this weekend. Her son is graduating from Northwest Nazarene University on Sunday, so she's flying in for that. She thinks we're going to stay up all night Saturday talking. Don't know if I can do that anymore. Guess we'll find out. I know you and I probably could.

    Tell Elmo hi for me.
  • I will make sure my battery is charged! I'm...ok...Morgan's knee isn't doing very good. They have pt all this week. He's in pain most of the time, plus, his mouth is full of sores. I've taken him to the doc before but don't remember what it's called. It's a lot like little blisters that fills his whole mouth and a little bit into his throat. When he gets this, it's really hard for him to eat and swallow. I've researched it a bit, and I think it's called thrush. He had it when he was a baby. He usually gets it when he's stressed.

    I've heard from the wife of a sailor in San Diego. She's offered to get him some instant ice packs that he can put on his knee and the ones he doesn't use he can keep in his locker.

    Sorry to hear about the rain. They were talking possible snow for today, but it went around us. It actually turned out to be a pleasant day, especially for tennis watching. Yesterday, while Kelson was playing, there was a bitter cold wind blowing. He has another match tomorrow. By the weekend, we're suppose to be in the 70's. What can I say....it's Idaho! Be a bum, I know you deserve it. Rent a few good movies to watch.

    A good time to call would be, I'm guessing here, early evening. I'm glad you liked the blog. It's so easy for me to write those. I can go on and on and on! I heard from Elmo's mom! I had to go to her page to see exactly who she was because it didn't register.

    Looking forward to an update on everything.
  • Cindy...I can't believe my phone went out when it did! I plan on calling you tomorrow. I'll try your home first, then cell. Hope you get some good sleep.
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