What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
ATO - Aviation Electronics Technician
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc
ATO - Aviation Electronics Technician
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
I am a very proud mother of my sailor from Div. 223, Ship 11 - graduated June 20, 2008. Seven years ago I began my dream career of teaching school. I am a Certified Teacher's Assistant & Substitute Teacher, currently enrolled in Western Govenors University as a Math Major/Teacher 5-12 to become a licensed educator. I have 4 wonderful children, 1 son and 3 daughters ranging in age from 22 - 12 yrs. old. All of them continually bless me and make me proud in all they do and accomplish! Their names would be: Wesley (22 y.o.), Amber (19 y.o.), Makenzie (15 y.o.), and Shana (13 y.o.).
What Brought You To This Site:
What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:
Proud & Supportive
What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor
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thanks for the gift! I've pretty much been absent on here lately because of work and such but just saw your post on Paul's page. Tell Wes to keep his head up. No matter the length of his service, he stood up to the challenge when so many wouldn't and served his country. Tell him to keep that pride with him for life and to take that on to his next journey. I wish you, him, and the new baby girl the best. Like Paul said, drop in on us from time to time and let us know how it's going.
Best Wishes, EG
I'm holding up ok. Got to see Morgan a month ago as we went to Cali for his FMTB graduation. I've never gone back to work. It's tough and we're having to redo the budget again, but I feel better when I'm not working. If I have to, I'll go back to work part time. I was hoping to find a job I could do from home, but it's really hard to find. I want a data entry from home job. Done way too many years of answering the phone to continue doing that from home. I haven't talked to Cora in a long time. Kelson's doing really well. Just finished his sophmore year. He played on the varsity tennis team again this year. Made it to state again playing doubles and went farther into the tourny with this partner than last years. Martin's hanging in there. He's not liking working for the state, but it is a job and they are finally recognizing that he's worth the title of project manager. Hopefully, the pay increase will come but we're not sure as there's a salary freeze in effect. He's gone back to practicing his martial arts and is really enjoying that. I had to quit playing soccer last winter. It was getting harder for me to play with my back the way it is. Sides the fact that we were always playing against young gals in their 20's! I found out they have two different levels of 30+ all women's teams. I may check into that. I don't know. I'm really not missing it so I guess I won't! I have been considering going to school myself. Just can't seem to get past the finance issues though. Hate to put us more in debt.
You never did tell me what kind of surgery Wes had. Is he finally well enough now that he can start c school or did he have to wait this long to class up? Man, I bet he's ready to be done with school and start his Navy career. I know Morgan is. I got those pics of your daughter. How is it knowing you have two kids out of school now? Graduated last Thursday? Wow. All of our high school graduations were the last week of May, first week of Jun. What university is WCU? What does she want to major in? I'm so happy you have new pics of your grandbaby! Have you been able to spend any time with her? Is Wes and mom still together? What does Wes think of his daughter? I bet your girls are looking forward to having you to themselves. Hey, what about the boys in the house? What are they up to? I would've been so far past the saturation point it wouldn't even be funny had I taken all the courses you have. Good thing you're giving you brain a break!
Morgan has a 'block leave' the 26th thru 7/6. He's flying home on the 27th. His girlfriend is driving down from Seattle on the 30th, then they'll head back to Seattle on 7/2. She's really more than a girlfriend, but I don't know if I can say fiance yet. Don't ask me how I feel about it. I'm not really sure.
Well, my friend, just looked at the time and it's time for me to put this head on a pillow. We're going to take my niece to the Emmett Cherry Festival tomorrow. I have to be up earlier than usual on a Saturday...only for my Cherry Grace! She's 31/2.
It really is nice to have you back 'on board'!
This week he has been sent for Qual. and Indoc. classes to be oriented to exactly expected out of him. Things are settling down and he is temporarily assigned to a squadron. He is still not completely sure if he will deploy and join his squadron in the Middle East or be kept busy at Marine Corp Base Hawaii till they return. We will see.
We are encouraging Andrew to request leave for his brother’s high school graduation. Adam would love to have his brother at graduation.