Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
I am a single mom of 3 sons. Trey will turn 18 in BC, Rowdy is 24 and Levi is 26. My guys have been my life. We love camping and fishing together and just hanging out when we can. Other than working and now being an empty nester, I enjoy stained glass, wheat weaving and walking the boardwalk.
As far as I know Morgan's doing fine. Got a quick text from him last night that he was at the brig so couldn't respond to my text. Found out that he was the chaser for another corpsman who was going into the brig. Doesn't sound very good for the corpsman. We're calling Morgan out tonight to talk with him before he leaves on his three week mountain medical training in the morning.
He can start treatment on his knee anytime....he can do it in his room. It's called Patello Femoral Syndrome (PFS). The kneecap slides over lower end of thighbone. The underside of kneecap grates along the femur. It doesn't affect the tendons or muscles. If he would do these exercises, he could strengthen the tendon along the side of his knee, therefore helping the kneecap to sit straight on his knee. It causes more pain and swelling than anything. The sports med doc he saw, on referral from the base, said he could still be a 'doc'.
Other than this little frustration, ***sigh***, I'm doing good. Kelson has a tennis tournament starting this afternoon. I'll be busy watching him play.
I'm sorry to hear about Trey's injury, however, it does sound like it turned out okay. Is he happy? How far is Norfolk from you? I will always care about Trey and you!
There hasn't been a time Morgan's left here where I haven't missed him the second he's out of my sight. It's always lonely as well. Whenever my sisters-in-law leaves from a visit to Martin's parents, here, Mom always cries. It doesn't matter if it's a few tears or a lot, we cry.
Morgan's doing well. He has finished all his training. There are still some online tests he has to take, so he's not totally done with school! He's at his permanent station at Camp Pendleton and the Marines call him 'doc'. He was assigned to the Kilo Group, which is a group of Marines that repel out of helicopters, but his LPO found out about his knee, so he's been pulled from that until the knee gets better. Right now, he's working at the BAS (mini hospital). Not liking it most of the time cuz he says it's boring. I know he'd prefer to be with the Kilo Group, but I'm glad he's been pulled until the knee is better. Wish I could get his girlfriend to see that without getting myself into trouble or her mad at me!
Tell me more about your son. What's he doing> Where is he stationed? You still have my cell number?
Yay to the home internet! I can hear from you more often.
Well finally my son is out to sea on the USS George Washington from their port in Japan, as they shipped out two days ago. Those who start the journey to become a Rescue Swimmer may wonder if they will ever get out and do what they dreamed. It WILL happen with dedication and hard work. While Garrett took the longer road of HS, learning sonar, etc. he now finds himself out doing the adventure he dreamed with two jobs to keep him busy instead of just one. Memorial day will mark his 2 year anniversary of the day he left for boot camp. Proof positive that your son or daughter can get through one of the toughest programs the Navy has to offer. Enjoy this Memorial weekend and thank God for those who serve and may God bless the families of those who lost loved ones who served.