
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc

I'd tell you, but then...

Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

I am an electronics tech with Duncan Aviation in Lincoln, Nebraska. My family is the center of my world. I have been a Scout leader for 13 years and have 1 Eagle Scout with 2 to go!

What Brought You To This Site:

my son is recently enlisted, My son is currently serving

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

I was very proud that he wanted to serve our country. A little apprehensive, but overall, proud.

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • Rick- I see you are a scout leader, well small world I am also. I just stepped down from Scoutmaster as both of my sons are Eagle Scouts and I am also. My son Jason is at bootcamp now with a PIR of 2 Jan 09. Good to see the picture of your profile as I an a retired Sr Chief and I like it. Jason signed up for Nuke and we will know his rating here before long.
  • Sumner signed up for regular NAVY. He has 4 year active and 4 years inactive duty. I think he is a bit bored right now but school just started so he wil be very busy soon.

    Those are some nice shots on your page I may copy some as I had some focusing problems with my camera at the PIR.
  • I know when I get the letters everyone within hearing distance will have to listen to me read it outloud over and over. I did the same thing when my son was in the Army...
  • btw...Alyssa is Div 361 Ship 5
  • Got the form letter on Monday and a phone call on Tuesday.... I was so happy to hear her voice....she tells me Graduation is Sept 26...so I am going to make my refundable airline reservations very soon!!
  • What date did your son graduate? My son was 08/01
  • I just called recruiter and they said they have no way to find out the info...I told her that someone already knew, but she said they may have let them call home and tell them. Oh well..I have to be patient and wait for the first letter or phone call. I am guessing since she said she would not call for about 3wks, thats when I can expect my first letter also???
  • No I have no idea about her ship or division, I am going to try the recruiter today....I got the box on Fri...and she just put a little I love you on the flap.....I cant wait til I can write her
  • Alyssa is my only girl, but I do have a grown son. He will be 21 in Jan.,,he is married and has a little girl. But Alyssa is my Baby..and i miss her horribly. I already have 2 letters down, just waiting for her address....She wont want for letters from me. I just hope she writes to me, she has so many others!!! Thanks for the support!!!!!!
  • Rick - So glad to see the pride and joy in your trip to PIR :). Wonderful pictures! Your sailor looks relieved and humble, God Bless him. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. God Bless, Michele :)
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