
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc

IS Petty Officer

Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

Computer Systems, IT, Teacher, Harley Davidson, guitar,

What Brought You To This Site:

my son is recently enlisted, My son is currently serving

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

Concerned for his safety and very proud of him.

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • I'll be glad when your son is out of the Middle East as well. One of my nephews is an Army Captain he has been to Afghanistan and we were nervous until his return. One of my great nephews is a Marine Lance Corp., but is stateside for now.

  • Frank,


    Thanks for the suggestions. We will be there for a few days, but plan to see some of the area. I have been to Seattle a couple of times, but mot Whidbey or the surrounding area. My wife and I visited Pike's and spent some time at Mt. Ranier, the coast and the Olympic Mts.

  • Rick,
    I think you are right and that Sumner will finish A school at the same time. He and Dillon are in the same class. I guess after that Sumner will be in C school until january or so.
  • Dillon told us that he should be done with A school around mid November. Maybe it's more advanced for the sailors going into active duty.
  • The info I get from Sumner is sketchy at best but I believe C school starts right after A school. I think Sumner thought he would be done with A school in January.
    The Starship was by themselves but their were other bands playing other days I think Smashmouth and Fog hat also played.
  • We're from Nebraska. Been here all my life, and so far, this has been all that Dillon has known. It will be interesting to find out where he ends up, once he's done with college and all. I have a pretty good idea that he'll be staying around for a while longer, but after that, who knows. The world is a big place.
    Dillon is our oldest (of three boys.) We are missing him a lot also. Everyone said that once they get to A school, they will be able to contact home more often, but I think he's enjoying spreading his wings a little bit.
    So, does C school start right after A school? The recruiter mentioned that they may have him do C school, but we haven't heard anything since. Are you saying that Sumner should be done with C school in January? Has he told you when A school is projected to be done? Just wondering.
    Is Starship playing with anyone else? They were here last week at the State fair, and were on the ticket with Styx.
  • Thats really good news. Perhaps we will meet one of these days. SUmner said it is likely he will be in school there until at least January as he will be going from A School to C School. I am confident he will do well.

    I sure miss him though as he was my only child and lived with me since he was four years old.

    It is Fair Season here in New England so we are going to the Woodstock CT fair. The Jefferson Starship is playing there today so it should be a good day for the fair.
    Where are you and Dillon from?
  • Hi Frank,
    I found out Wednesday, our sons are friends up there. Small world, huh?
  • Yes, he's up there now. He flew in on the evening of the 5th, I think. He told my wife on Monday that they still hadn't started classes, but they were expecting to at any time. I did ask Dillon if he knows Sumner, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet. I'll keep you posted.
  • Feel free to grab some. I'm expecting some more and some video soon. My parents (his grandparents) were up there with us, and they took a lot of pictures too.
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