
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc


Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

Retired Chief 24 years, married to a former USN Air Traffic Controller

What Brought You To This Site:

my son is recently enlisted, My son is currently serving, I am a sailor

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

Encouraging and supportive

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • I hope you do Kevin....I know there are far more military that need help that folks admit to.....and I hope you can find some guidance and peace for your tough journey!

  • that is the wrong link : http://www.navydads.com/group/helpforoursailorsw is correct

  • I started a group awhile ago called Helping Hands (http://www.navydads.com/group/helpforoursailors)- it was my hope that all would share in helping our sailors and their families

  • I have been praying for Luke and Andrew's commands. I want their commands to be so good that they get awards for treating the sailors right.
  • Andrew is a very fine young man. His main fault is that his quiet demeanor causes people to think he is slow, uninterested, and even dumb. I have had adults from our church come up to me and tell me there is a lot more to Andrew than they ever thought.
    At a youth retreat the group was faced with a ropes course. No one knew what to do. Andrew stepped up and took charge and led the group thorough the course. A rather surprised youth group leader came up to me a later date and related that the group would not have completed the challenge if not for Andrew stepping to the front. I told the leader that Andrew’s scouting experiences had included rope courses similar to what the church’s youth group faced. I also explained that Andrew as an Eagle Scout was doing what Eagle Scouts are supposed to do.
    When Andrew gets a Lead Petty Officer that can pull those qualities out of him he will develop to his potential. I know that you see qualities in Luke that will place him in the front as he develops through his Navy career and throughout his life. May he also get the leaders that measure success be the success of the people he leads (just like the MCPON says). I am praying for Andrew’s leadership and I will add Luke’s leadership to that list.
    I will forward the names of those groups to Andrew. I was figuring that those kinds of guys would be at the monthly prayer breakfast. At least he is going to chapel on the Sundays he does not work.
  • I have been after Andrew to meet some of the Marines on the base. He seems reluctant, as you say the world has an influence on the military just as it does on us civilians. Andrew will have nothing to do with alcohol.
    I did find on the base web site that the chapel has a single Marine/Sailor lunch once a month and there is a monthly prayer breakfast. I have been encouraging him to attend. He at least is looking into them. I did find out that he had some question about a young lady that he met since joining the Navy and has been emailing our pastor back here in PA with his questions. I am pleased about that!
    He is a home schooled Eagle Scout and knows how to stand on his own. I just like to be part of the adventure.
  • Hey Chief Kevin,
    What's up with Luke?
  • Kevin,
    Haven't talked to you since before Chirstmas. How's Luke? How are you?
  • Hey Kevin, yeap we got the call last night. I have so much to say and little time right now. But I tell you in a few days how it went. So Damn Proud right now and I miss him "Big Time" Take good care and I will update you on everything soon. Wild Man
  • Thank you so much Kevin! Unfortunately, and I hope I am not jumping the gun here, but the excitement has turned to worry and sadness because the mother of my granddaughter has totally cut off all contact with us since she left the hospital. The thought I may never get to see her, or even see her through a picture is killing me :(. I am trying to stay positive. . . Thanks again for the congratulations, Michele
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