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Father of 3 - (2 girls, one Boy) 1 girl (Madison) 6 1 Girl (Kaity) 15 Son(Curtis)18 Live in Middleburg, Florida. Beautiful Wife of 20 Years (Pam)

What Brought You To This Site:

my son/daughter is recently enlisted

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

Proud, Supportive

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • Yeah, I remember driving by Whitey's, but during my 10 years in the area I don't think we ever ate there. Have a happy 4th of July! Where are the fireworks now?
  • Pete - Rookie isn't the word for it lol I still have so many questions that I resorted to calling his original recruiting officer for answers. His recruiter has been a great help and maybe your son's can be one for you also. I don't know if anyone told you but when you do start getting letters and you reply back it is best to not let them know how much you are missing them, it only makes them more home sick. I know it was so hard for me to write letters without saying those 3 words but it can be done. :) Keep us posted on his progress!
  • Pete
    Our son is in "C" School at Jacksonville JAX now and will Graduate the 21st of this month. After Graduation he will move across the street to his Squadron VP-45.

    We will be going down for graduation a couple days before so we can hang out and spend time with him that weekend.
    My Dad was in the Navy he was on the USS Essex (Carrier)
    and was stationed at Mayport so it will be great to see that area as well.

    Anything you could share about the area would be greatly appreciated.
  • Hi Pete, glad that he finally called. I doubt if he got any rest, a boot camp video I watched (on N4Ms) said they are up at 3:30 and eating breakfast at 4, going all day, then taps (lights out) at 10pm. He's probably wondering, "why did I do this?", but he'll be feeling like part of the team in a week or so.

    When we lived in Middleburg we used to enjoy a small BBQ place up on Blanding near College Drive. We moved away in '93 and visited once several years later. Sure don't miss the heat!
  • Peter - So good to have you on our team! I know you will find lots of support and answers here :). You have probably received the 'I made it okay' call by now and as much as it is a relief to hear their voice the rollercoaster begins. The next exciting day you long for will be 'the letter'! Whether it is long or short it will spark more of your interest on what goes on in bootcamp and how your recruit is getting along. Enjoy the ride because come graduation day you will see it was all worth it and a new experience flourishes into pride so big you won't be able to contain it! I look forward to all your posts and hearing your journey as the parent :).

    By now you have realised I am not a dad lol. Almost 9 yrs. ago I was given the dad role when my 2nd husband passed. Plunged into the multi-parent role at an instant with 4 young children depending on me I wasn't giving up. I wear my badge with much enthusiasm as I do the emotional mom badge :). My sailor's father is still alive and we are great friends, he is also very proud of our son only he doesn't have internet currently to show it on a great site as this one. EG (Navydadsadmin) is a wonderful person, he let me join :).

    God Bless,
    Michele :)
  • Oops, hit the button too soon. Glad to hear your son is on the way! We got our call at 10 PM on the night when Luke arrived. So you should hear something soon. Blessings, Kevin
  • No way! We lived on Shannon Lake Drive right there near CR209. It felt like we were out in the country then, and driving out to Keystone Heights was really hitting the sticks. Last time we visited I think 220 was a 4 lane and there was a Wally world on Fleming Island.
  • Welcome aboard Pete, that's a nice family you've been blessed with. We lived in Middleburg back in the late 80's when I was stationed at NAS Jax. I'm sure things have grown even more since then. Congrats on your son joining the team!
    Blessings, Kevin
  • Pete thanks for joining. I found navyformoms in searching for answers to my son's future. I just knew their had to be a site for dads like n4m's but I was wrong. So I started this site so us dads wouldn't feel guilty interacting in a woman's world. I'm new at this and I hope this site will benefit fathers that come behind us. I'm so glad to find out their are so many proud navy dads just like myself. Good luck and thanks again for joining. EG
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