
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc


Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

DS2 Served aboard USS Caron DD970 and NAS Oceana. Sgt. Tank Commander in T.A.N.G.

Prior Military Experience

Proud Navy Veteran, Proud National Guard Veteran

What Brought You To This Site:

My son is currently serving

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

Andy is proudly serving aboard the USS Bainbridge, (Pirate Brigade).

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • Bob.....how's Andy?

  • Bravo Zulu Andy
  • Hi Bob! I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to respond back. Morgan is deployed. He left the end of April. Right now, he's on a 4 day mission, then will return and on the 10th he and his group will be heading to a hot zone. He will be out of communication until his deployment ends. A very scare time for Ally, his wife, and us. The Lord has been so good. I am worried and scared, as a mom. However, I know that Morgan is being watched over and protected in a way I could never do. Since his division has left, there has been 7 deaths. One was a corpsman Morgan worked with at CP. That hit him pretty hard. He calls her most of the time and if there's anything to pass on, she'll text me. We don't get much information. They decided they weren't going to talk about him being there, so the questions I ask usually go unanswered. She and I have a 'block' in our relationship. We can talk about a lot of things, but when it comes to Morgan, we butt heads. For Andy's sake, I am glad this relationship turned out the way it did. Life, would've been so much harder and unhappy. Other than being bored, how is Andy liking the Navy? I am a grandma now. Our 17 yr old made a wrong decision. However, we have the sweetest grandson. He'll be 3 mths on Wednesday. His name is Gabriel and he has the sweetest smile that brightens up his whole face. We get him on the weekends. I don't know how things will work out for college next year, but I do know the Lord has control of that too. After Gabriel was conceived, Kelson turned his life over to the Lord. As he was coming up out of the water, from being baptized, he told us God told him the baby was his and that everything would be ok. Kelson never waivered from that. However, we chose to go ahead and have a paternity test done. The day before Father's Day, we received confirmation in the mail. That is a "quick" update. There is more going on, but it looks as if I've run out of space! Tell Taketa I said hello!
  • Hello Bob. I am so sorry I haven't written back. This is the first time, in a very long time, that I have been on Navy Dad's. So...how was Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year? I'm glad to hear Andy is doing well. Is he off again or still stateside? Quick update on Morgan. He and Ally got married Nov. 13th in a civil ceremony in California. I felt the Lord directed us to go, so we did. Ally moved to California middle of Dec. At this moment, he is in 29 Palms and has been since the first part of this month. He has been very, very bored. However, he did get to sew up a guys head for the first time. The HM1 asked him to assist, then he did one stitch and handed it over to Morgan. Morgan was scared to death because if he didn't do a good job the first time, they would have to redo it. He did it on the first try. Talked to him tonight and he's headed out in the morning to go out in the field for the last 5 days. Hopefully, he'll get to see some action. He will be deploying in the spring. His first. As a mom, it scares me but I've learned a lot and I know that the Lord can take care of him so much better than I ever could. We will be in CA to see him off. Please tell that lovely wife of yours I said hello!
  • Bob! So nice to hear from you! Andy has been one busy fella. During battle stations at BC, Morgan was the leader of the fire squad. Thinkin of all he's put Martin and I through these past few months, I kinda wish he would've chosen that area. I'm thrilled Teketa was able to join you to see Andy on the ship. I'm hoping we'll be able to see Morgan on one. He's set to deploy sometime April/May. His "wedding" date has been moved up to Nov. (prayer's being said on our side it won't take place. her side doesn't know it's taking place). Morgan seems to be doing ok, I can't always tell. He's not much of a talker on the phone. The desert in 29 Palms is home right now. He'll be there another week or two and back again in January for a month. Predeployment stuff starts after that. Not sure what all that entails, guess we'll find out. Is Ethan your youngest? Thanks for popping in to say 'hi'. It's always nice to hear from you. Please tell Teketa I said hello.
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