
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc


Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

I am 42 and I have a son in the Navy. I have been married for 21 years. I have two beautiful daughters and a wonderful wife,and one son. I live in Steger IL.

What Brought You To This Site:

my son is recently enlisted

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

very proud

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • Thanks Raffaele, Kris my son has just finnished his fourth week of Basic Training and will graduate PIR October 1th. Then on to MAA "A" school San Antonio We do not know his start date yet he could get leave or just Grad and go ? Graduations Raffaele I see you've alright been pinned. I can say Im very proud of all the fine servicemen and women for your service to this Great Country that I love!!! from a old Viet nam tin can Sailor : )
  • Hello! Did I respond to this? I remember typing, but not sure if it ever went through. Let me know before I bore you with all that has happened.
  • A lot of E3 go to the carriers now.
  • hey ralph ,hows it going up north.finaaly cooling off here we have had about 9 inches of rain the last week with more on the way. well it finally happened ,jons orders came out of detail and he is heading for san antonio about the middle of october.hes very excited as are we .Isaw where i wrote would have jon look up your son when he got to S.A.,i meant corpus cause jon said he wanted to go visit down ther if he got the chance. have a good one,kyle cannon
  • I have got two power point displays from a retired navy vet at work,they are pretty cool. If you would like for me to send them to you let me know,I will need an e-mail address for you.
  • thanks ralph,will tell jon to look up your son ,if he is still there,when he gets to san antonio
  • glad you and your family had a good time in corpus.it has been very hot here in texas this year ,not much rain in the valley area which is from san antonio on down to laredo then down to the coast.they are underextreme drought conditions down there.our son jon should be to m a school by dec.
    he is coming home sept.1 - 15 then back to norfolk waiting on his orders.he said they are in detail and he is just waiting
  • Corpus is a great place to visit,He has told you about LADY LEX hasn't he.Lots of fun things to do there.
  • They like to do that...give fancy names for a job. Oh well!
  • Which really doesn't explain all that much...at least not to me!
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