
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc


Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

I'm an outdoors lover hunting fishing you name it.I love my god first my family second and my country third and god help anyone that screws with anyone of them!!!! I'm also an avid gun nut

What Brought You To This Site:

My son is currently serving

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

Elation! I was so happy that he chose to serve his country

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • The tributes to the navy+ marine corp. Just in case anyone forgets why are men and women do what they do! God bless them all till there safe return!
  • Thanks Luis, guess he waited to long! Thanks anyway.
  • Thanks E.G I told him about that group and that he ought to join it. And yah it was very tough,You raise them for 18 years and then they just LEAVE!!!! but he's doing well and I'm happy for him. Thanks again
  • Alan, the required 20 spots have already been taken. Sorry about that. Luis
  • Alan thanks for getting Josh to join us. One of my visions for this site is for the sailors to be involved as well. They need all the support we can give them. I hope we are making our children proud of us by showing that we want to go through this journey with them all the way. If Josh is willing I would love for him to be involved in Ask A Sailor. Parents can ask questions in this group and sailors answer what they can. Some things they just cannot answer and we understand that. Also the sailors only have so much time to get on a computer so the more sailors we have checking it the better. South Korea (wow) that must be tough my son is headed for California and I thought that was to far from home. Thanks again for getting Josh involved on this site. I'm very honored to have him on here.
  • Hi Alan, I do not know where my son will be stationed after A school. But he did tell me when he called this past Mon., where ever his first duty station is he will be there for 2yrs.
  • Alan you did it! Hooy Ya!
  • Alan on the main page under the pictures of groups it says create a group right under the navy brothers group. click on create a group. Just follow the instructions. Name the group, write a description of the group and you have to put a picture on for the group. If you have any questions just ask I'll be on here tonite. How is Joshua doing? and how far along is he?
  • Alan thanks for joining. I found navyformoms in searching for answers to my son's future. I just knew their had to be a site for dads like n4m's but I was wrong. So I started this site so us dads wouldn't feel guilty interacting in a woman's world. I'm new at this and I hope this site will benefit fathers that come behind us. So jump right in share concerns, join groups, share info, and show off your sailor. I'm so glad to find out their are so many proud navy dads just like myself. Good luck and thanks again for joining. EG
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