
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

The name will be AA Vang, Seng. I just started my rate as an ABF.I'm 20 and loving the navy so far. I'm in A-school located in Pensacola, Fl. Graudated on June 20th from bootcamp. Umm..nothing else I can think of execpt that I am proud to be a US Navy Sailor.

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I am a sailor

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  • Vang,

    It's good to hear from you. Hope everything has been going good with you. Evan's doing great, he did just get back from a 5 month cruise, returned home for about 10 days and now he's back in San Diego. I believe he'll be back Dec 18th for Christmas. I'll send you his new number in an email. The family is all doing well. You'll have to come back for a visit when you get the chance. You guys will have to track down Snow and Calvo too for a reunion back in Mississippi one day. Don't be a stranger and take care of yourself. Also, when you get the chance update me on where you've been and what all you've done. Talk to you soon.
  • Seng it's great to hear from you. Evan just got home yesterday for Christmas. We were riding down the road and I was just asking about you. He said that he looked up one day and your carrier was cruising by his. He said that y'all missed each other though. I heard that Snow is now in Japan and that the women love black men. LOL. Snow has found heaven Fooo Shooo! As for the family we are all doing great. We are enjoying the holiday with Evan. Send me some pics of you and your ship when you can. I'd love to see them. Keep in touch and don't be a stranger. Talk to you soon. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  • 9042009975
  • hit me up. phone works bunkmate. i am still in school.til july 2009. groton ct
  • Vang what is going on? So their just going to leave ya behind huh? Probably not a bad thing. You'll have plenty of time out at sea. If you get bored come by the house and we'll go boating or stop in San Diego and see those degenerates you've been hanging out with. I'm sure they'll find plenty of nothing to get into. Evan and Pello are loving it there. Tell your commander you have to get to San Diego ASAP! Where they'll probably be hanging until their ship returns also. They should find out today if they will ship them over there or wait till it comes back in. I hope you had a great visit at home after A school. Let me know how it went. ttyl
  • hey what up bunkie....
  • Vang I hope you are keeping Evan in line I am not there so I expect you to fill my shoes haha.. Have fun stay safe
  • Hey man yea that would be hella cool up river again haha ...... thats the good life ha............ So wat u been up to? ......I have summer tranning in football and its to damn hot outside 104 and 102 is way to hot
  • Hey, welcome aboard AA Vang! Thanks for serving this country as a Sailor! We used to live in Mountain View, CA and enjoyed a few trips to the central valley and gold country, even spent a weekend at Castle AFB in Merced (?). I'll see about that ABF rating roadmap and put it on the Airedales group like the others. Glad to have a "grape" in the group! Kevin
  • Vang my wife and I are still looking for your parents on here. But for some reason we can't find them? Are you hiding from them or something?haha
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