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The name will be AA Vang, Seng. I just started my rate as an ABF.I'm 20 and loving the navy so far. I'm in A-school located in Pensacola, Fl. Graudated on June 20th from bootcamp. Umm..nothing else I can think of execpt that I am proud to be a US Navy Sailor.
It's good to hear from you. Hope everything has been going good with you. Evan's doing great, he did just get back from a 5 month cruise, returned home for about 10 days and now he's back in San Diego. I believe he'll be back Dec 18th for Christmas. I'll send you his new number in an email. The family is all doing well. You'll have to come back for a visit when you get the chance. You guys will have to track down Snow and Calvo too for a reunion back in Mississippi one day. Don't be a stranger and take care of yourself. Also, when you get the chance update me on where you've been and what all you've done. Talk to you soon.