Navy Dads

Master-at-Arms MA
The MA rating provides Navy Ships and commands with force protection/antiterrorism specialists who assist in maintaining good order and discipline, law enforcement, and physical security duties. MA's enforce appropriate orders and regulations, make apprehensions, conduct investigations/interrogations and prepare required records and reports. Due to the unique functions and trust inherent in the MA rating, the quality of personnel selected is of paramount importance and requires strict adherence to eligibility criteria.



The MA (MA's) rating provides the Navy with security specialists who perform antiterrorism, force protection, physical security, and law enforcement duties on land and at sea. MA’s are the Navy’s security and force protection professionals. An MA may operate a force protection watercraft, direct an investigation, control a base access point, or supervise a K-9 asset.


Some specific MA duties are listed below:

  • Conduct waterborne security patrols and interdiction.
  • Conduct Customs operations.
  • Conduct base security patrols.
  • Conduct base access and entry control operations.
  • Conduct aircraft and flightline security operations.
  • Conduct law enforcement operations.
  • Conduct Oil Platform protection.
  • Conduct river security operations.
  • Provide protective service to high ranking dignitaries and government officials.
  • Conduct K-9 explosive and narcotics detection operations/missions.
  • Perform physical security inspections.
  • Conduct preliminary investigations into UCMJ violations.
  • Organize and train security force personnel.
  • Conduct crime prevention programs.
  • Operate brigs (jails).
  • Perform weapons and funds escorts.


Working Environment

MA’s may expect to be assigned to duty at shore stations in the United States and Overseas; aboard ships as either ship’s company or embarked security team; or as part of a maritime expeditionary security squadron. The work environment varies widely with individual assignments. MAs are currently serving in expeditionary security locations worldwide and providing landward and seaward security in support of Joint Service operations.

Qualifications and Interests

Those personnel who want to qualify for the MA rating should be people oriented, dedicated, resourceful, and versatile. They should possess strong writing and speaking skills, a good memory, and the ability to conduct detailed work while maintaining accurate records. Prospective MA’s should possess physical strength, manual dexterity, and competence with tools, equipment and machines.


Opportunities for placement are excellent for qualified personnel. Individual motivation, ability, and work ethic will determine how far an MA can advance in the enlisted or officer ranks during a 20- to 30-year career. An MA who has attained the rank of E-6 may be eligible to apply for the Limited Duty Officer (LDO) Program. An MA who has achieved the rank of E-7 may be eligible to apply for the Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Program. Both of these programs enable an MA to become a Security Specialist in the officer ranks.

Career Outlook

In the Navy Security Field, the MA will find a varied and challenging field of work with unmatched potential for personal growth and professional development. He or she will have opportunity to develop problem solving, critical thinking, leadership, and organizational skills. The MA will develop practical knowledge and experience unmatched in the civilian world.

Should the MA decide to separate, all training and experience can directly transfer to homeland security or law enforcement agencies. These training and development factors, along with a fantastic opportunity for travel, make any decision to leave the Navy a very difficult one.

MA - Corrections Specialist

Corrections Specialists complete and review applicable forms and reports; process awardees and prisoners; process and manage enemy prisoners of war; counsel awardees/prisoners; conduct searches and inspections; utilize weapons and equipment; manage personnel; work with other agencies; plan and conduct security force drills; train security forces; conduct preliminary investigations; collect and process evidence; respond to alarms and incidents; manage prisoner work details; test and monitor security systems; manage physical security operations; operate control center; release personnel; submit reports.

MA - Independent Duty Master At Arms

Independent Duty Master At Arms manage security force training plan; review, analyze, and plan security and anti-terrorism requirements; utilize weapons and equipment; complete applicable forms and reports; manage personnel; work with other agencies; plan and conduct security force drills; train security forces; maintain training records; assess security force capabilities; conduct vulnerability assessments; conduct briefings; analyze intelligence; tactically deploy security assets to neutralize threat; conduct investigations, process crime scenes; conduct interviews and interrogations; process and preserve evidence; process suspects; conduct bailiff duties; write plans, instructions, post orders, and standard operating procedures; manage command physical security program; manage command law enforcement program; manage command anti-terrorism program.

MA - Investigator-Protective Service Officer

Investigation-Protective Service Officers review and analyze reports; secure crime scenes and conduct crime scene analysis; collect, analyze, process and store evidence, respond to crimes, conduct interviews and interrogations; work with other agencies; manage and utilize confidential informants; complete applicable forms; test suspected narcotics; submit evidence for forensic tests; conduct surveillance and counter surveillance operations; conduct plain clothes operations; plan and perform investigative raids; utilize weapons and equipment; store investigative forms, notes, and reports; protect assigned personnel; test and monitor security systems; review, plan, and analyze security and crises management capability of an activity; conduct mission planning and briefings, conduct entry control inspections; work with other agencies; inspect buildings and travel routes; operate vehicles; direct security personnel.

MA - Mobile Security Force Specialist

Mobile Security Force Specialists establish entry control points; conduct access control inspections; review, analyze, and plan security capabilities; conduct vulnerability assessments; conduct patrols; conduct vessel escorts; utilize weapons and equipment; complete applicable forms and reports; manage personnel; work with other agencies; plan operations; conduct preliminary investigations; plan and conduct assault operations; plan and tactically deploy security assets to defeat threat.

MA - Security Force Specialist
Patrolmen establish entry control points; conduct access control inspections; review, analyze, and plan security capabilities; conduct vulnerability assessments; conduct patrols; conduct vessel escorts; utilize weapons and equipment; complete applicable forms and reports; manage personnel; work with other agencies; plan operations; conduct preliminary investigations; collect and process evidence; plan and conduct assault operations; plan and tactically deploy security assets to defeat threat; manage and utilize military working dogs; respond to crimes; operate security vehicles and boats; conduct physical security operations; conduct law enforcement operations.

MA - Trainer/Planner

MA-Trainers/Planners manage training plans; develop, update and manage curriculum; manage field training officer program; manage Personnel Qualification System (PQS) program; plan, conduct, and assess security force drills; evaluate student progress; use weapons and equipment; coordinate training and security planning with other services and agencies; train security forces; submit reports; conduct security planning and briefings; manage security force training records; manage force protection training team; administer tests; monitor unit exercise; inspect command security and antiterrorism program; review, plan, and analyze security and crises management capabilities of an activity; plan and develop entry control inspections; plan surveillance detection procedures; analyze intelligence; conduct vulnerability assessments; operate budget; develop security requirements for new construction; develop standard operating procedures, post orders, and memoranda of agreement/understanding; manage manpower and equipment requirements.

Security Clearance Requirement: Secret


Other Requirements:

  • Must be United States citizen.
  • No nonjudicial punishment or convictions (civilian or military) within the three years preceding application for MA. Personnel with repeated offenses reflecting unfavorable upon their integrity and/or other offenses concerning moral turpitude are ineligible for the MA rating. Personnel with domestic violence convictions are ineligible (non-waiverable).
  • Must hold a valid, current state drivers license.
  • Excellent command of the English language, verbal and written. No speech impediments.
  • Tested negative on a drug-screening test within the previous 30 days, and have no history of drug use for three years prior to application.
  • No history of mental impairment or disorder, emotional instability, alcoholism, drug abuse, or any physical condition that impairs the performance of law enforcement and security duties.
  • Must have normal color perception, vision correctable to 20/20, and have normal hearing.
  • Must be in good physical condition capable of sustained exertion and meet body fat standards.
  • Must be worldwide assignable.
  • No moral turpitude waivers, e.g., alcohol, drugs, indebtedness, or other circumstances that would result in non-screening for the personal reliability program, security clearance granting, or overseas assignment.

Sea/Shore Rotation for This Rating

  • First Sea Tour: 48 months
  • First Shore Tour: 48 months
  • Second Sea Tour: 42 months
  • Second Shore Tour: 48 months
  • Third Sea Tour: 36 months
  • Third Shore Tour: 48 months
  • Fourth Sea Tour: 36 months
  • Forth Shore Tour: 48 months

Note: Sea tours and shore tours for sailors that have completed four sea tours will be 36 months at sea followed by 36 months ashore until retirement.

MA is classified as an INUS/OUTUS (in the U.S./Outside the U.S.) community, which means that instead of being assigned to ships, many of their overseas assignments are classified as sea tour duty for sea/show flow purposes.





110124-N-4332C-386 SAN DIEGO (Jan. 24, 2011) Master-at-Arms Seaman Kyle Chapleau, assigned to Commander, Naval Region Southwest, Harbor Patrol Unit, patrols the San Diego Harbor. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Martin L. Carey/Released)





110201-N-8132M-225 WASHINGTON (Feb. 1, 2011) Master-at-Arms Seaman Brandon Taylor, a certified handler assigned to the Naval District Washington (NDW) Military Working Dog (MWD) Program, conducts an explosive proficiency evolution inside of a public works warehouse at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling. The NDW MWD program provides anti-terrorism force protection and on-base security assistance. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kiona Miller/Released)

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