Navy Dads

The grounds of the craddle of aviation. Great schooling for sailors and marines I have been stationed here for a year now and there is alot to know about the base.

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My sons Navy PIR is December 17th and will be coming to Pensacola immediately afterwards. I am working on making a USO contact there and hope to visit him as well.
He will be training as an aircraft mechanic. Is there any way to know how long he might be stationed there? It would help us plan a visit if its even feasible to see him. My daughter starts Army Basic in January, so we have a trip to South Carolina planned as well. I'm just hoping to get as informed as I can to be able to spend time with them in their adventures. We know the Pensacola area fairly well and love to visit anyway, so its a win/win if I can plan a trip around spending time with him.

Mr West,

I know it has been a long time.How is your son doing? My daughter is expected to be there around the 3rd or 4th of March as an AM (Aircraft Mechanic). Can you tell me how are things going for him. I was told that the program is 5 weeks, however I do not know what follows. C school Command assignment, both? I would be interested to know. Thanks

My son's PIR was on 8Feb2013 and he arrived at NATTC on 9Feb2013 (6 weeks ago) for ABH A-school. He has yet to get a class up date. He was told "maybe sometime in April". It is a little disappointing looking at these hundreds of 18 and 19 year-olds without any training at all yet, sitting around, waiting for months, with no real responsibilities, nowhere to go, blowing their money in the NEX on electronics and trying to not get in trouble. I understand the 'hurry up and wait' SOP. But, for months? He was told, before basic, that his ship date to Great Lakes was decided upon based on his 'A' school class up date. This was obviously bad information. But, he and I are both wondering when he will class up? Is it normal to put them on hold for months at a time after their PIR? It seems as though they are squashing moral before they even start their career.

My son arrived in Pensacola in November 2012 and didnt class up for his first class until feb/mar. That was his first 4 week class for AT (which he finished first in his class, proud lol). Now the second class doesnt start until Apr 11th for 6 weeks, then who knows where is orders might take him.  I have heard he might have to sit and wait for orders to ship also?  Guess the hurry up and wait hasnt changed since I was in the Army 1966.
NavyDads Co-Admin, Jim said:

Jim, it is not unusual for a sailor to sit for a couple of months before they class up. The Navy does this so there are enough sailors in the pipe line to fill the classes as they become available. Let's say that your son was the only guy who got there for the next class for that rate. They would not just put one guy in a class. By the time there is enough of the same rate to fill a class, the previous class will have moved on to the fleet. My son is an AWO. It was darn near three month before he classed up. He can always volunteer for duty to keep occupied.

Jim said:

My son's PIR was on 8Feb2013 and he arrived at NATTC on 9Feb2013 (6 weeks ago) for ABH A-school. He has yet to get a class up date. He was told "maybe sometime in April". It is a little disappointing looking at these hundreds of 18 and 19 year-olds without any training at all yet, sitting around, waiting for months, with no real responsibilities, nowhere to go, blowing their money in the NEX on electronics and trying to not get in trouble. I understand the 'hurry up and wait' SOP. But, for months? He was told, before basic, that his ship date to Great Lakes was decided upon based on his 'A' school class up date. This was obviously bad information. But, he and I are both wondering when he will class up? Is it normal to put them on hold for months at a time after their PIR? It seems as though they are squashing moral before they even start their career.

I am glad I found this discussion.  My son arrived at NATTC March 24th as an ATI.  I have been very curious about the possible wait time he will go through before he begins training.  It is good to know he can volunteer for various duties to keep him occupied.  My concern is the same as some of you other guys.  I hope all the incredible training and transformation he went through does not diminish due to lack of activity and boredom (an idle mind is the devil's workshop).  I will share this with him and encourage him to stay active.  

UPDATE:  As I said before, my ABH son arrived at NATTC on 9Feb2013.  The class list was posted last evening (Sunday 31March2013) for classes beginning this morning (1April2013) and his name was on the list.  So, he started his 6-week 'A' school today, in the 8th week after he arrived.  He was on liberty and got back to find no list posted at about 1500 hrs, then called at about 1730 hrs to say that they had just posted the list and his name was on it to begin class in the morning. 

Jim said:

My son's PIR was on 8Feb2013 and he arrived at NATTC on 9Feb2013 (6 weeks ago) for ABH A-school. He has yet to get a class up date. He was told "maybe sometime in April". It is a little disappointing looking at these hundreds of 18 and 19 year-olds without any training at all yet, sitting around, waiting for months, with no real responsibilities, nowhere to go, blowing their money in the NEX on electronics and trying to not get in trouble. I understand the 'hurry up and wait' SOP. But, for months? He was told, before basic, that his ship date to Great Lakes was decided upon based on his 'A' school class up date. This was obviously bad information. But, he and I are both wondering when he will class up? Is it normal to put them on hold for months at a time after their PIR? It seems as though they are squashing moral before they even start their career.

Delete As Jim said several months of waiting is common. When new sailors arrive the are deemed phase 3. This means that they have to complete the check in, attend the base and school indoctrination class, and get watch stander quals signed off. As the sailor progresses through this process privileges are added. For example if my memory serves me correctly pahse 3 is no civilian clothes......phase 2 is civilian clothes but no over night off base......phase 1 includes off base with overnight stays. Make sure to wait till your sailor gets to phase 1 and check and make sure that you are not arriving on your sailor's duty weekend.

Visited my son this weekend at Pensacola and had a great time, he is at the point where he can leave base for the weekend and stays with us at the motel. They don't volunteer for duties when not in school, they are assigned them. He's finally starts his AT 6week schooling Apr 11. And was told by others who are classed up already in that school that whatever they get taught at school they will not ever use in the fleet according to the instructors. His whole barracks almost got put back to phase 3 because these young kids are getting in trouble and catching an occasional DUI, how stupid. A lot of these kids have never been away from home and are acting crazy with the new freedom. Luckily my son was away at college for 4 years playing football, so he has all that out of his system and just wants to get on with his life in the Navy.
My son started his second week of A-school yesterday. They filled out their 'dream sheets' on the first day of class on 1April. He was notified yesterday on 8April that he will be assigned to the USS George Washington in Japan after he graduates on 5May.

UPDATE (1April2013):  As I said before, my ABH son arrived at NATTC on 9Feb2013.  The class list was posted last evening (Sunday 31March2013) for classes beginning this morning (1April2013) and his name was on the list.  So, he started his 6-week 'A' school today, in the 8th week after he arrived.  He was on liberty and got back to find no list posted at about 1500 hrs, then called at about 1730 hrs to say that they had just posted the list and his name was on it to begin class in the morning. 

Jim said:
My son's PIR was on 8Feb2013 and he arrived at NATTC on 9Feb2013 (6 weeks ago) for ABH A-school. He has yet to get a class up date. He was told "maybe sometime in April". It is a little disappointing looking at these hundreds of 18 and 19 year-olds without any training at all yet, sitting around, waiting for months, with no real responsibilities, nowhere to go, blowing their money in the NEX on electronics and trying to not get in trouble. I understand the 'hurry up and wait' SOP. But, for months? He was told, before basic, that his ship date to Great Lakes was decided upon based on his 'A' school class up date. This was obviously bad information. But, he and I are both wondering when he will class up? Is it normal to put them on hold for months at a time after their PIR? It seems as though they are squashing moral before they even start their career.

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