Got our form letter from our daughter on Friday 080913! Very Excited!! Pretty sure she is in an Integrated Division. Just wanted to create a space to reach out and keep in touch with those of you with SR's in the same Ship and Division.
My daughter's rate will be STG once she completes "A" School. From what my wife (who basically LIVES on lately) and I have been able to gather, there may actually be one or more STG's in her or her sister division, which we think is 365.
We live in Las Vegas and will be there for PIR. We have already secured plane tickets, hotel room, and car rental.
Hope to hear from some of you out there. Hooyah Navy!
Hey guys. Really happy that you both go to talk to the boys! Really awesome! Glad to hear they are doing well! And CONGRATS on the promo to E-2 for Mike, Lance! Awesome to hear!! We got a call also from Savannah on Saturday. We were all together and had out son with us so we all got to talk to her so that was great. Got to talk to her for about 20 minuets.
She sounded like she was doing really well. Had a couple of hiccups tho. Apparently, she was misinformed about getting E-2 and will not be ranking up. She was a little bummed about that, but seems to have recouped. Also said that the RDC's don't like her very much so she doubts that she will be ranking up at all. Of course, at this point, with the exception of a select few, we know that NOBODY thinks the RDC's like them! I guess there was a girl who had been ASMO'd and was dropped to their division while they were in P-Days. Was told that this girl was ASMO'd for disciplinary reasons and that going into 366 was her second chance. Savannah said that 365 felt this girl was being "holier than thou" because she was trying to help everyone out with the knowledge she had from already doing the first two weeks and that one of 365's RDC's had it out for this girl, and turns out this girl got sent packing and is being discharged.
Now, that being said, Savannah has had in the past a tendency to not give the whole story to us on things and on some occasions, has ended up hanging out with kids that could get her into some real trouble. Truth be told, it's generally Savannah's heart that tells her she can "help" or "fix" this troubled individual and before she realizes it, she's getting into trouble for making a bad choice or just b/c she was in the wrong place. I'm just praying that Savannah is making wise choices and decisions. Just the way she was talking, gave me a couple of flashbacks. Again, all that being said, she was in positive spirits, she was not bitter about anything, and she did sound really good. I also know that this girl, I'm sure was on a very thin line as she had already had discipline problems. Regardless, I've got to admit that I'm kinda glad that girl is gone, especially if Savannah had befriended her. That may be bad for me to say, but hey, I'm praying for MY kid's well being first, ya know?
Ok, enough of that, onto how what she said about the division. She said that academically, they are really smart and that they are the smartest division one of their RDC's has ever had. Marching wise, not so much. She said they should get a flag for their academics so that will be good. I remember being in boot camp and we were terrible in COD (close order drill or, marching for the Navy) for the first two months, but by the time our final drill test came, we got a 98 out of 100, so I am sure that some of the things other than academics, will come to them and they will begin to "get it".
Was told that the division is not coming together as quick as she was hoping it would, but that it's making some progress. She did say that lots of people are sick, so I'm sure that won't help anything in terms of tempers and annoyances. We heard that none of them are going to medical b/c they don't want to run the risk of getting held back! Which, as parents, makes us nuts AND proud. Nuts that they won't just go get it taken care of, but proud that they are gutting it out and are able to overcome this. I ran my best run time of my entire Marine Corps career while in boot camp and had a fever and a horrible sore throat! So we are thinking that the division will come together just fine the further they go along.
We too heard nothing good of 365. Lack of discipline was the biggest thing, and apparently, the RDC's from 365 try to start "stuff" with the girls in 366. Don't know if that's the case with the boys. I can only imagine what it's like with two groups of girls rivaling each other in the same room. I sure wouldn't want to be in there!
She told me that she thinks Mike is the Dental Petty Officer and is in charge of all of the dental appts for the division and that Pete is the ASMO Petty Office and is charge of gathering personal property for recruits that have been ASMO'd.
She went to church last Sunday. She went to the contemporary service and said it that while the speakers definitely weren't OUR pastor, it was still good and is definitely going back (we're very blessed (read: spoiled) with an AMAZING pastor!) She also said that the music was really good and that she really enjoyed the whole service.
She passed her swim test and the two inspections that she has stood and said they have not done the Marlinespike yet. Still has her wisdom teeth and said the worst thing she's had to do at boot camp so far was the shots. Savannah is TERRIFIED of shots/needles (which is why I just laugh at her every time she tells me she's going to get a tattoo after boot camp :) !!). She said she was fine walking up to the first one and the second she got it, she was like, "Oh! Ow! Ok, there it is." and then looked down and it was bleeding and she said that was it, she started crying and cried one each one after that! She said, "I didn't freak out like I used too, but MAN!, those guys are NOT gentle!" I had to laugh.
Overall, she sounded really good. It was really disappointing hearing that she was misinformed about the promotion, my heart hurt for her. I can't imagine how that felt to have that news given to her and then taken back. And I've also been struggling with the knowledge that the one girl got sent back. It seemed there was some drama involved with it all and Savannah was kind of in the middle of it. My wife is brushing it off, but for some reason, it's really bothering me. Still, I know she's going to be fine and that what ever happens, happens. I have to keep telling myself that God's got this and that she's on the path He has intended for her.
Again, she was upbeat and positive so that is what is most important at this point. Glad to hear that Mike and Pete are both doing well. She said she sent us 5 letters on Sunday. So, even though I know we wont' get them until Wednesday, I've already pitched a tent next to the mailbox so I can tackle the mail-man when he gets there! We'll talk to you guys soon. 33 days and counting!!
Hey Guys. Been on the road for a few days as I thought it was safe to leave the house. Wasn't expecting any calls from Mike since we were lucky enough to talk to him on Sun and Mon. That was a pleasant surprise. Seems like its feast or famine. He did say his position was Medical Yoman. Sounds like he helps out with SRs that need medical attention. He still sounded good and was ready for the pace to pick up and start learning new stuff other than marching all the time. So how do the promotions work in boot camp? It was my understanding that if you passed all your tests you were promoted to E-2. But than again, what do I know. When I watched a replay of graduation it seemed that SRs had patches with both one, two, and three stripes on their arms. I would be assuming that represents your ranking. I have so much to learn. Hope all is well for Savannah in regards to the situation with the "other Girl". I have to agree with you, some people do not belong there. I know a few have ticked Mike off and he wonders why they even joined. He said they act like they don't want to be there and don't take things seriously. Anyway, good for Savannah for trying to help someone. To bad if it backfired on her. Sounds like see is doing great otherwise and hopefully it was nothing more than a hiccup. I'm expecting the stories and adventures to continue for the next four weeks.These kids are keeping us on the edge of our seats. I told Mike he better not mess up because I already purchased air fare and the hotel room for PIR. He said OK. :-) Have a great Labor day and enjoy the letters. Sounded like they won't be calling for awhile unless they earn it. Oldest son just bought his first house so its now time for Dad to do his responsible duty and help paint, clean and move furniture. Talk again soon.
Hey guys. I got a call from Savannah on Monday as well, Lance. What a surprise that was! When I saw the area code come across my caller ID, that worried me because when we had talked to her on Sunday, she said she had hurt her foot. So when I saw that, all I could think was "broken foot" and ASMO.
She did go to medical because even though it didn't hurt that bad, she said the swelling hadn't gone down so that concerned her. Turns out it was a sprain. *phew* She got 4 days LLD (Limited Light Duty) and has to go back today for a re-val. She told me "When I go back on the 29th, I'm FINE. No way am I going back, not being this close." I was real proud of her for gutting it out, but also for monitoring the injury and knowing when to seek medical attention. And I admire her determination in wanting to push through. A real gut check in my opinion.
She told me that they had lost about 5 people from the Division already and said it was really hard to watch that happen. But, all that being said, she sounded good on the phone. She was pretty ticked off about the LLD thing though because she will miss the Marlinespike prac-app (practical application) aspect of the training. Also, even though she passed her initial PFA, she didn't like the fact she wouldn't get to run. She really likes to run (which I just don't understand, I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than go running!).
We got some letters from her yesterday! There were 4 total. 3 of them were pre-written letters/questionnaires that we sent to her with a S.A.S.E for her to fill out and send back. Not a ton of info in those. That was where we found out that a bunch had been sent to ASMO or home, she said that she is doing a lot of the ironing for other SR's. I had to laugh at that. I do all the ironing at my house and taught her how to iron. It comes from my Marine Corps days. I can pretty much put creases into a shirt sleeve that will cut you. So she said that she's ironing everybody's utilities (cammies). Said she really likes the church service, the food has been really good, her least favorite part has been the fact she is with 88 other females (1. the drama, 2. all of their cycles synced! YIKES), she's really good at the inspections, can't stop from giggling when either she or other SR's get yelled at and she's gotten yelled at for laughing when she gets yelled at (Dad, I just can't help it! she said), really likes the PT, and there's lots of bickering going on in the division, they just haven't learned how to work together yet.
I mailed her a couple of motivational letters telling her the division will pull together, it just takes time. You can't thrust 88 people into the most stressful they have ever done before and just expect them to be the Mickey Mouse Club.
Not sure if you guys have seen this on this site, but this link is really good. I actually printed the first "article" and sent it to Savannah to read and pass around
That's about it for now, will let you know if we hear anything else or get any updated info. Have fun painting Lance!!
Hope everyone is doing well. Just got back from a long Labor Day weekend. Mike wrote me and my wife, his brother and girlfriend and all his grandparents last week. So he must have a little down time for himself. Said everything is fine but he is ready for A school. He did say that Pete and him were friends and that they work together in the compartment as medical and dental Yoman. Mike is also very picky who he makes friends with. Unlike his older brother, Mike has never been in any kind of trouble, and I'm sure he isn't one of the trouble makers in his Division. He said standing watch was boring and that they stand watch for two hours during the day and four hours at night when on duty. Mike tried to call us Thursday afternoon and we missed the call. He tried the house and then my wife and my cell phones. I was at the eye doctor and she was at work. Wasn't expecting that call so I didn't have my cell phone with me. Won't let that happen again. Talk soon.
Morning Gentlemen! Sounds like things are going well on the home fronts. Just wanted to check in with you guys. Glad to hear that the boys are doing well. Things are going well here in Vegas. Just eagerly counting the days. Heard from her best friend the other day who said she also got a letter from Savannah last week. She doesn't have a boyfriend so nothing to check in that regards. With the holiday weekend and all, tomorrow should be our "Wednesday" which means I'll be sprinting to the mail box the second I get home from work. I'm really glad to hear that it sounds like all of our SR's are hitting up church as they are able to. That community is so vital, especially in environments like boot camp. Sorry to hear you missed that call Lance. My phone has been glued to my pocket from the second we left the airport on 7/29. Man, is it me, or does that seem like a millennium ago? Who knew a month could go by so fast, yet feel like a lifetime. Talk to you soon guys
Morning. Got a letter from Savannah yesterday. It's short enough for this:
"Hey Mom, Dad, and Ethan, I'm sorry but I really don't have time to write. I love you all more than everything. I have to go. Church was good today. My boots are shiny *smiley face*. Hell week is next week. Rev @ 4, Taps @ 8. Should be good. My ankle still sorta hurts but I'm off LLD and I'm doing good. No pain no gain. Love Savannah - Sorry for the short letter"
That was literally the entire letter! Honestly, when I ran to the mailbox yesterday after work, I was a little bummed that there was only one. Then when I saw how short it was, I about fell apart. BUT, I know that if she is that busy, that is a good thing, a VERY good thing, because it is the ones who are busiest who are doing the best. Glad she is making the time for church. It's so important in the environment she is in. It was good to hear that she said hell week "should be good". Especially with the realization that they'll be getting up at 0400 b/c she was a kid who could go to bed at 8pm and sleep til' noon! Her boots being shiny was letting me know that the spit shinning is going well. I'd been including tips on shinning boots in my letters to her so I'm sure she wanted Dad to know she's been listening to him (at least that is what I'm choosing to read that as, lol) And the "No pain no gain" at the end was awesome. Her showing that determination and perseverance made me/us swell up with pride, especially as she has in the past, at times, been a person who backed off of something when the going got tough. Unless of course it was something she really believed in like her x-country running. So this is good. We can tell she is committed to this. We also take it that with not having time to write, that the division may be coming together. If she doesn't have time to write, that means she's doing other things, and the only other things she could be doing is all helping with the division (studying, ironing, prepping for inspections, etc.) She we are reading all of this as very good. And if she is looking at Hell week as "should be good", her spirit must be good. I am so thankful God listens as intently as he does 'cause we've been praying for a continued positive attitude among many other things. So, with all that being said, Hoo Yah, Go Navy! Talk soon guys, only 21 days!
Hello Guys. Was surprised today by getting a call from Mike. He wasn't sure why they got to call, but said the 365 brother division got to purchase candy at the NEX and they got to call home. Said they had finished HELL week and that it wasn't to bad. The main thing was having to get up at 4 am every day. He sounded tired and I could tell he is ready for Boot camp to be over. He said it feels like prison and they are so confined. Even on their personal time, if they are tired, they cant lay down and rest. He said that being Medical Yoman is stressful and that it takes much of his time. If he is doing something and someone needs something medical, he must stop and attend to their needs. Also lots of paperwork. He is now on his 4th bunk mate. His last one was a 27 year old and the Master of Arms for the division. He ended up having an eye injury and was removed from Boot camp. The division was sad to see him go as they all really liked him. His new bunk mate is the new Master of Arms and is also very popular. Said they finished shooting guns and thinks he did well. They have won two flags so far. One for high test scores and the other for inspections. Said his mouth is all healed up from the wisdom teeth, and he is eating normal food again. I could tell he is really missing college football as that was the first thing he asked about. The phone call I missed last week was one he got because he received 100% on a test. Their next big test is Tuesday. He thinks the division is slowly finally coming together. They have lost a few more people that got send back a division or two. He is also trying to get promoted to E-3 before Boot camp is over. He said that a maximum of 8 people can be promoted to E-3. It all has to do with how well you do and how much effort you give. So I'm sure everyone wants that promotion, but they won't know who might get it till the end. We talked about 40 minutes. That was a good thing because my wife wasn't home and I had to text her that Mike was on the phone. I'm sure she broke the speed limit. He also wanted to make sure he was receiving his paychecks. He is a very good saver and is always concerned about his money. Is also finally getting use to looking at himself in the mirror with his new hair cut. One guy in their division was moved to an all male division as he was accused of sexually harassing one of the girls in their division. Think that's about it. Thought they might get to call again in a few weeks. I'm thinking that might be after BS 21. Didn't get a letter this week so the call was sure well needed. Hope you guys also received calls from Savannah and Pete. I'm counting down the days. Have a great rest of the weekend.
sounds good Lance! Had to laugh though...I get up at 03:20 for work every day and I live in Tucson.....04:00 would be a luxury!!!!
Hey Guys! Heard from Savannah on Saturday afternoon also. I was literally picking the phone up to put it in my pocket as my son and I were headed to church and all of a sudden it started ringing. I yelled for my wife who was upstairs getting ready for work (she had to supervise a football game at her school) and she came tearing around the corner asking what was wrong. They way I yelled for her she thought one of us had gotten hurt! Oops!
Anyway, she sounded REALLY good! Has a cold. Said her ankle is still swollen, but she's off LLD and there is no pain so that's good. She is able to run and march w/out any issue. We also heard about the flags and were really excited that they have earned those. She said the same about the division, that it is coming together slowly, but that there is definitely improvement and they are working together more than arguing now so things are looking up. She said they have Drill Inspection today. When we asked her how she thought they'd do, she just said, "Well, we are the kind of division who don't practice very well, but when it's crunch time, we do excellent." She sounded confident they would do well. Maybe not flag, but definitely do well. It looks/sounds like they have a lot of Nuke and some other ratings that require high ASVAB scores so that may explain why they are doing so well academically. She qual'd on the pistol no problem and asked why I hadn't taken her shooting with me and her brother when we go out. I had to remind her she never showed an interest and that she "just didn't get guns". I could "hear" her grinning when she told me it was really cool having that weapon go off in her hands. That's my girl!! Then she quickly said that the Navy could keep the shotgun, it left a fist sized bruise on her shoulder!! I went over pistol basics before she left and I guess I should have taught her to pull that shotgun in tight as well! Oops again! From what she told us, it sounds like they got a call because they are doing well. She said they are starting Firefighting training this week and also have the gas chamber and she was excited about both of those and said the gas chamber will help clear her sinuses out! Was told that she didn't think Hell Week was that bad either. Was ok with getting up at 0400 b/c they got to hit the rack at 2000! She is First Stick, so she gets to carry the Academic Flag. We were excited to hear that she got to keep her position as Stick. We thought she may loose it b/c of her injury. It'll be nice come graduation b/c we'll know exactly where to look for her!! She told us after graduation, she wants a big burger and then a long, hot shower, then more food. I suspect all of the area's hotels hot water bill goes up dramatically each Friday!
Her attitude was really good and her confidence level seems out of the roof. That was really good to hear/sense. She said that for what boot camp is, she's having fun and enjoying it. Savannah does best with structure and guidelines (at least structure and guidelines not set by her parents) so it seems she is really buying into the Navy life.
We also heard about the one guy and the harassment thing. Savannah said he was gone QUICK! I think she said they started with 88 and are down to 80 now. A couple of medicals and a couple of disciplinary from what I could understand.
I think that was about it. Glad to hear Mike's teeth are healing up well and hope he gets that E-3!
18 and a wake up guys! Talk soon.
Hey Guys. Got 2 letters from Savannah yesterday! They as a Division are doing very well on their inspections and their tests. They now have 2 flags and once they have completed their Divisional flag she will be the Stick to carry it. In addition to the flags, they have earned a Pennant for their Scholar flag. She LOVES being Stick!! She said their Chief is very proud of their accomplishments and how they are coming together/along. They did the Marlinspike (not sure which day) and did well in that. She said Hell week wasn't really hell, just ridiculously busy but that she had fun going through it. Also said that live fire for weapons training was awesome and that the PT has been easy for her (she called it her bit*h). She's working with a shipmate, who is actually the same rate as Savannah, to help them with their PT score. She's getting to church if she's not standing watch, her favorite things at basic are sleeping and the chow, and her least favorite is the bickering that still goes on. She sounded REALLY good in the letters. One of them was a "questionnaire" that we wrote and sent for her to fill out and send back. She wrote little comments all over it giving us additional info on the questions was answering. One of the questions was "In regards to boot camp I feel that I am doing: a), b), c), and d) was "I own this mutha" - she circled D. Man, it was so good to hear from her! Getting really excited! Hope you guys heard from Mike and Pete. Been praying for all of them. 15 and a wake up!!
Hi guys. Got a short letter from Mike today. It seems the more people he writes, the shorter our letters are becoming. I guess that's ok.... Can't be stingy. Not much new news. He said he was feeling better after talking to us on Saturday. He is so worried that he is missing out on things here at home. Said he is still very tired and has nearly fallen asleep while standing a few times.. Went to church last Sunday and had a good time. He said the weather has been nice in GL, not to hot for marching. Have you guys heard any dates yet for BS21? My wife said there was talk about BS21 dates on Navy Moms but they never posted them. Would be nice to know so we can expect it. Looks like my message here is shorter than my sons. Counting down the days. Talk to you soon.
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