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2201. PERSONAL APPEARANCE. Because it is impossible to provide examples of every appropriate or unacceptable hairstyle or of “conservative” or “eccentric” grooming and personal appearance, the good judgment of leaders at all levels is key to enforcement of Navy grooming policy. Therefore, hair/grooming/personal appearance while in uniform shall present a neat, professional appearance.
a. Men. Keep hair neat, clean and well groomed. Hair above the ears and around the neck shall be tapered from the lower natural hairline upwards at least 3/4 inch and outward not greater than 3/4 inch to blend with hairstyle. Hair on the back of the neck must not touch the collar. Hair shall be no longer than four inches and may not touch the ears, collar, extend below eyebrows when headgear is removed, show under front edge of headgear, or interfere with properly wearing military headgear. The bulk of the hair shall not exceed approximately two inches. Bulk is defined as the distance that the mass of hair protrudes from the scalp. Hair coloring must look natural and complement the individual. Faddish styles and outrageous multicolored hair are not authorized. The unique quality and texture of curled, kinked, waved, and straight hair are recognized, and in some cases the 3/4 inch taper at the back of the neck may be difficult to attain. In those cases hair must present a graduated appearance and may combine the taper with a line at the back of the neck.One (cut, clipped or shaved) natural, narrow, fore and aft part is authorized. Varying hairstyles, including afro, are permitted if these styles meet the criteria of maximum length and bulk, tapered neck and sides, and do not interfere with properly wearing military headgear. Plaited or braided hair shall not be worn while in uniform or in a duty status. Keep sideburns neatly trimmed and tailored in the same manner as the haircut. Sideburns shall not extend below a point level with the middle of the ear, shall be of even width (not flared) and shall end with a clean shaven horizontal line. <Figure 2‑2‑1> refers. "Muttonchops", "ship's captain", or similar grooming modes are not authorized.
b. Women. Hairstyles shall not be outrageously multicolored or faddish, to include shaved portions of the scalp (other than the neckline), or have designs cut or braided into the hair. Hair coloring must look natural and complement the individual. Haircuts and styles shall present a balanced appearance. Lopsided and extremely asymmetrical styles are not authorized. Ponytails, pigtails, widely spaced individual hanging locks, and braids which protrude from the head, are not authorized. Multiple braids are authorized. Braided hairstyles shall be conservative and conform to the guidelines listed herein. When a hairstyle of multiple braids is worn, braids shall be of uniform dimension, small in diameter (approx. 1/4 inch), and tightly interwoven to present a neat, professional, well groomed appearance. Foreign material (i.e., beads, decorative items) shall not be braided into the hair. Short hair may be braided in symmetrical fore and aft rows (corn rowing) which minimize scalp exposure. Corn row ends shall not protrude from the head, and shall be secured only with inconspicuous rubber bands that match the color of the hair. Appropriateness of a hairstyle shall also be judged by its appearance when headgear is worn. All headgear shall fit snugly and comfortably around the largest part of the head without distortion or excessive gaps. Hair shall not show from under the front of the brim of the combination hat, garrison, 8 point cover or command ball caps. Hairstyles which do not allow headgear to be worn in this manner, or which interfere with the proper wear of protective masks or equipment are prohibited. When in uniform, the hair may touch, but not fall below a horizontal line level with the lower edge of the back of the collar. With jumper uniforms, hair may extend a maximum of 1-1/2 inches below the top of the jumper collar. Long hair, including braids, which fall below the lower edge of the collar shall be neatly and inconspicuously fastened, pinned, or secured to the head. No portion of the bulk of the hair as measured from the scalp will exceed approximately 2 inches. <Figure 2-2-2> refers. A maximum of two small barrettes/combs/ clips, similar to hair color, may be used in the hair. Additional bobby pins or rubber bands matching hair color may be used to hold hair in place, if necessary. Fabric elastics and colored rubber bands/pins are not authorized. Hair ornaments shall not present a safety or FOD (Foreign Object Damage) hazard. Hair nets shall not be worn unless authorized for a specific type of duty.
Grooming Standards Exception: During group/unit PT, Commanding Officers are authorized to standardize unit policy for the relaxation of female hair grooming standards with regard to having hair secured to head. Hair restraining devices, if worn, will be black or Navy blue in color. For performing individual PT, female Sailors are authorized to decide whether or not to secure hair to the head.
2. SHAVING AND MUSTACHES (Men). The face shall be clean shaven unless a shaving waiver is authorized by the Commanding Officer per <BUPERSINST 1000.22>. Mustaches are authorized but shall be kept neatly and closely trimmed. No portion of the mustache shall extend below the lip line of the upper lip. It shall not go beyond a horizontal line extending across the corners of the mouth and no more than 1/4 inch beyond a vertical line drawn from the corner of the mouth. The length of an individual mustache hair fully extended shall not exceed approximately ½ inch. <Figure 2‑2‑1>refers. Handlebar mustaches, goatees, beards or eccentricities are not permitted. If a shaving waiver is authorized, no facial/neck hair shall be shaved, manicured, styled or outlined nor exceed 1/4 inch in length. Supervisors of individuals with shaving waivers shall actively monitor and ensure treatment regimen is followed. The following personnel are not authorized to wear any facial hair except for valid medical reasons:
a. Brig prisoners.
b. Brig awardees.
c. Personnel in a disciplinary hold status (i.e., who are serving restriction or hard labor without confinement or extra duties as a result of a court‑martial or NJP).
d. Personnel assigned to a transient personnel unit who are awaiting separation:
(1) By reason of a court‑martial sentence.
(2) To benefit the service <(MILPERSMAN 1910-164)>.
(3) Pursuant to the recommendation or waiver of an administrative discharge board, for misconduct <(MILPERSMAN 1910-140)>.
3. HAIRPIECES. Wigs or hairpieces shall be of good quality and fit, present a natural appearance and conform to the grooming standards set forth in these regulations. They shall not interfere with the proper performance of duty nor present a safety or FOD (Foreign Object Damage) hazard.
a. Men. Wigs or hairpieces may be worn by active duty personnel while in uniform or duty status only for cosmetic reasons to cover natural baldness or physical disfigurement. Wigs may be worn by Naval Reserve personnel engaged in inactive duty for training.
b. Women. Wigs or hairpieces meeting women's grooming standards are authorized for wear by personnel while in uniform or duty status.
4. COSMETICS (Women). Cosmetics may be applied in good taste so that colors blend with natural skin tone and enhance natural features. Exaggerated or faddish cosmetic styles are not authorized with the uniform and shall not be worn. Care should be taken to avoid an artificial appearance. Lipstick colors shall be conservative and complement the individual. Long false eyelashes shall not be worn when in uniform.
a. Cosmetic Permanent Makeup. Cosmetic Permanent Makeup is authorized for eyebrows, Eyeliner, lipstick and lip liner only. Permanent makeup shall be in good taste and blend naturally with the skin tone to enhance a natural appearance. Exaggerated or faddish cosmetic styles are not authorized and shall not be obtained. Approved permanent makeup colors are as follows: Eyebrows shall be shades of black, brown, blonde or red that matches the individual’s natural hair color. Eyeliner shall be shades of black, brown, blue or green that matches the individual’s natural eye color and shall not extend past the natural corner of the eye. Lip liner and lipstick shall be the color of the natural lip or shades of pink and moderate reds only. Permanent Makeup is considered an elective medical procedure that is accomplished by qualified medical professionals to enhance natural features and requires careful planning and consideration of associated risks and liabilities to the Sailor.
b. Requesting Procedures.
(1). Female Service Members assigned to their permanent duty station shall submit a Special Request Authorization Form (NAVPERS 1336/3) to their Commanding Officer expressing their desire to obtain permanent makeup. Included with the special request form shall be a description of the procedure facility and desired feature enhancements.
(2). Commanding Officers are to review permanent makeup notification requests to ensure description of enhancements is in compliance with cosmetic policy requirements and that requesting Sailors are counseled prior to obtaining permanent makeup. Additionally, Commanding officers will ensure requests for permanent makeup are annotated in member’s medical record and medical entries are made after permanent makeup is obtained. Counseling of Sailors should include and might not be limited to the following topics: Personal financial impact of obtaining procedure. Qualification of provider of permanent makeup such as a qualified, licensed electrologist, esthetician or state board certified technician. The permanency and risks associated with procedures. The procedure cannot interfere with performance of military duties; planned leave to facilitate healing and return to full duty. The possible Non-availability of Military Treatment Facilities. The possibility of administrative separation if permanent makeup is non-compliant with Cosmetic Policies.
(3) Commanding Officers of members who have obtained Permanent Makeup that is not in accordance with existing policies shall document the condition on a NAVPERS 1070/613. Submit enlisted personnel’s NAVPERS 1070/613 to the local Personnel Support Detachment for inclusion in the Field Service Record. Submit Officer personnel’s NAVPERS 1070/613 to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS 312) for inclusion in the Electronic Service Record. Members not complying with Permanent Makeup policy requirements may be subject to administrative or disciplinary action. If removal or alteration of non compliant Permanent Makeup condition is not feasible, the member may be processed for involuntary separation, if deemed appropriate by the Commanding officer.
a. Men. Fingernails shall not extend past fingertips. They shall be kept clean.
b. Women. Fingernails shall not exceed 1/4 inch measured from the fingertip. They shall be kept clean. Nail polish may be worn, but colors shall be conservative and complement the skin tone.
6. JEWELRY. Conservative jewelry is authorized for all personnel and shall be in good taste while in uniform. Eccentricities or faddishness are not permitted. Jewelry shall not present a safety or FOD (Foreign Object Damage) hazard. Jewelry shall be worn within the following guidelines:
a. Rings. While in uniform, only one ring per hand is authorized, plus a wedding/engagement ring set. Rings are not authorized for wear on thumbs.
b. Earrings
(1) Men. Not authorized while in uniform. Additionally, earrings are not authorized in civilian attire when in a duty status or while in/aboard any ship, craft, aircraft, or in any military vehicle or within any base or other place under military jurisdiction, or while participating in any organized military recreational activities. When considered appropriate by the prescribing authority under article 7201.2, earrings may be prohibited while in foreign countries.
(2) Women. One earring per ear (centered on earlobe) may be worn while in uniform. Earrings shall be 4mm - 6mm ball (approximately 1/8 - 1/4 inch), plain with shiny or brushed matte finish, screw on or with posts. Gold for officers/CPOs, and silver for enlisted personnel. Small single pearl earrings are authorized for wear with Dinner and Formal Dress uniforms.
c. Body Piercing. Not authorized while in uniform. No articles, other than earrings for women specified above, shall be attached to or through the ear, nose, or any other body part. Additionally, body piercing is not authorized in civilian attire when in a duty status or while in/aboard any ship, craft, aircraft, or in any military vehicle or within any base or other place under military jurisdiction, or while participating in any organized military recreational activities. When considered appropriate by the prescribing authority under <article 7201.2>, body piercing may be prohibited while in foreign countries.
d. Necklaces/Choker. While in uniform, only one necklace may be worn and it shall not be visible.
e. Wristwatch/Bracelets. While in uniform, only one of each may be worn. Ankle bracelets are not authorized while in uniform.
7. TATTOOS/BODY ART/BRANDS. Four Criteria will be used to determine whether tattoos/body art/brands are permitted for Navy personnel: content, location, size and cosmetic.
a. Content. Tattoos/body art/brands located anywhere on the body that are prejudicial to good order, discipline, and morale or are of a nature to bring discredit upon the naval service are prohibited. For example, tattoos/body art/brands that are obscene, sexually explicit, and or advocate discrimination based on sex, race, religion, ethnic, or national origin are prohibited. In addition, tattoos/body art/brands that symbolize affiliation with gangs, supremacist or extremist groups, or advocate illegal drug use are prohibited.
b. Location. No tattoos/body art/brands on the head, face, neck, or scalp. The neck area for purposes of this regulation is any portion visible when wearing a crew neck T-shirt or open collar uniform shirt. In addition, otherwise permissible tattoos/body art/brands on the torso area of the body shall not be visible through white uniform clothing.
c. Size. Individual tattoos/body art/brands exposed by wearing a short sleeve uniform shirt shall be no larger in size than the wearer’s hand with fingers extended and joined with the thumb touching the base of the index finger. Tattoos/body art/brands that exceed size criteria are waiverable provided they do not violate the content and/or location criteria.
d. Cosmetic. This regulation does not prohibit cosmetic tattooing to correct medical conditions requiring such treatment. For the purpose of this regulation, cosmetic tattooing refers to medical or surgical procedures conducted by licensed, qualified medical personnel.
Four Criteria will be used to determine whether tattoos/body art/brands are permitted for Navy personnel: content, location, size and cosmetic.
8. MUTILATION. Intentional mutilation of any part of the body is prohibited. Mutilation, is defined as the intentional radical alteration of the body, head, face, or skin for the purpose of and or resulting in an abnormal appearance.
a. Examples of mutilation include, but are not limited to:
(1) A split or forked tongue;
(2) Foreign objects inserted under the skin to create a design or pattern;
(3) Enlarged or stretched out holes in ears (other than a normal piercing);
(4) Intentional scarring on neck, face, or scalp; or
(5) Intentional burns creating a design or pattern.
9. DENTAL ORNAMENTATION. The use of gold, platinum, or other veneers or caps for purposes of dental ornamentation is prohibited. For purposes of this regulation, ornamentation is defined as decorative veneers or caps. Teeth, whether natural, capped, or veneered, will not be ornamented with designs, jewels, initials, etc.
10. NAVY PERSONNEL WITH WAIVERABLE PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS. Tattoos/body art/brands/mutilation/dental ornamentation may be waived if they existed prior to 24 January 2003 and are not prejudicial to good order, discipline, and morale or are of a nature to bring discredit upon the naval service.
11. NAVY PERSONNEL WITH NON-WAIVERABLE PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS. If removal or alteration of tattoos/body art/brands/mutilation/dental ornamentation is determined by a military medical healthcare provider not to be feasible, the member may be processed for involuntary separation, if deemed appropriate by the commanding officer.
‑‑‑‑‑‑ INDICATES SCALP LINE) Sideburns shall not extend below a point level with the middle of the ear, as indicated by line "A". When a mustache is worn it shall not:
-- Go below a horizontal line extending across the corner of the mouth as indicated by line "B".
-- Extend more than 1/4 inch beyond a vertical line drawn upward from the corners of the mouth as indicated by line "C".
-- Protrude below the lip line of the upper lip as indicated by line "D".
Hairstyle properly groomed shall not be greater than approximately 2 inches in bulk. Bulk is the distance that the mass of hair protrudes from the scalp. No individual hair will measure more than 4 inches in length.
Haircuts and styles shall present a balanced appearance. Lopsided and extremely asymmetrical styles are not authorized. Ponytails, pigtails, widely spaced individual hanging locks, and braids which protrude from the head are not authorized. Multiple braids are authorized.
No portion of the bulk of the hair as measured from the scalp shall exceed approximately 2 inches.
Hair shall not fall below a horizontal line level with the lower edge of the back of the collar as indicated by line A. When wearing jumper uniforms, hair can extend a maximum of 1-1/2 inches below the top of the jumper collar.
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