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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Separations Process

The following are some commonly asked questions regarding the separations process. If you have a question you would like addressed, please post a comment. Thank you.



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so i read they are allowed phone calls on a daily basis and i have read only on  wednesdays and saturdays or one day in the week and one day on the weekends anyone know for sure what one it could be? or is it just the luck of the draw

If a recruit is sent back to a Division, and not sent home, how will we be notified?

He/she will be authorized a phone call to inform you of such.




So my daughter will be coming home soon from Ship 5 it sounds like they will put her on a bus, it will be a 30hr trip for this 19 year old. I would like to send her some money for the trip home so she can eat and what not. What is the best way to send it? Cash , Money order, pre paid card or can I wire money to her? I just am not sure. If I need to mail it I dont want to wait to long to get a phone call then she may leave before it arrives there. I am all so wonder if I am allowed to send her cell for back for them to give to her when she gets on the bus, I would feel much safer if she had this with her. She has to make three transfers between there and here in Wyoming. Please help.

JoDean...I would recommend sending her a prepaid card for the trip home. Unfortunately, she can't have her cell phone per separation protocol...

   " Recruits in separations are not authorized to receive any items they were not issued or were unable to receive while in training. Be aware that while personnel are not authorized to open sealed mail, they may ask a recruit to open it in their presence to check for contraband."

   There is a lot more information available in the Ship 5 Group....Join it!

If you have questions regarding separations procedures, please contact the Recruit Training Legal department on 847-688-4949, option 1 and then option 7.  That is from the Group 5 area and I have not verified that number works....but worth giving a try! 

Thanks I all ready went ahead and just put a small amount of cash in the letter I sent she had requested some for some pictures and a just sent a few bucks more for her trip home. I think it will be ok. Thanks for being so very helpful.

That is the correct number.  My wife has 3 times reached someone at that number...thats the good news.  Bad news is that they keep saying "we will have him call within 24 hours"  That was on Monday. then Tuesday afternoon we called back when we had not heard from our son, they said "oh sorry, we will have him call between 8-9 am the next day" which was today.  So no call and we reached out to them this am at 10:00 am and they said "sorry again"  my wife explained it has been over a week and he was supposed to call us right after he spoke with legal.  and he never called.  My wife explained that she is having surgury this saturday and really needs to know whats going on with our son.  They said "we will go get him right now and have him call"... still waiting.  OMG this is frustrating
NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:

If you have questions regarding separations procedures, please contact the Recruit Training Legal department on 847-688-4949, option 1 and then option 7.  That is from the Group 5 area and I have not verified that number works....but worth giving a try! 

I read the same thing and was told the same by my daughter in SEPS the first call she made however it has been 10 days since I heard from her and she has been there 14 days. Was all so told for her to sign the HIPA release paper work so I can check on her condition yet when I called medical they would not tell me anything.  I am sitting her in the same boat it is like they are in prison or something. What the hell are they doing. I can never get to anyone calling leagal  do no good and info on web site sucks too non of it is true , my daughter is right they are nothing but full of lies.

Robert Craver said:

so i read they are allowed phone calls on a daily basis and i have read only on  wednesdays and saturdays or one day in the week and one day on the weekends anyone know for sure what one it could be? or is it just the luck of the draw

from RTC's page: 

Q. My recruit called and said they were being separated, but I don’t have any further information. When will they call again?
A. Recruits being separated are required to call home, typically a 5minute call, and notify their families they are being referred for separation and being transferred to Ship 5. Once they arrive at Ship 5 (typically a few hours after the above call is made) they are normally not granted further calls until after they receive their Indoctrination brief, which is conducted at 0800 Monday-Friday. Once they have completed the brief, recruits are permitted another 20  minute call.

Q. Can my recruit make phone calls from Ship 5?
A. A recruit may also be granted additional calls during the week if they need further information from their families or to give additional updates involving their individual case.

That is my point she never got to call me after Indoctrination that was told to her to be last Monday she said she would call after. MM no Call as far as behavior and what everyone is saying here it is a bunch of LIES. This straight from the same site you got your info

Scheduled phone time is never taken away as a punishment, though the duration may be reduced for poor behavior, but never to less than 20 minutes. Phone calls are at no time monitored. So from what everyone says her this is another LIE!!!!!!!! Man Lie after LIE after LIE I raised an honorable and honest young lady I see now why the Navy is not where she should be.



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