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US Navy recruiter currently sationed in St Joseph Mo under the St Louis recruiting district. I have worked in Aviation for the past 11 years and have not been stationed aboard a ship.

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I am a sailor

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  • Greetings Andrew is now at the Marine Base Hawaii. He is attached to VP47 temporally as VP4 is in the Middle East. He likes the work, the people he works with and Hawaii. Transportation is an issue for him as he does not own a car. He is working through trying to get a car.
  • I have Andrew home this week!! The best part is the sense of completeness or maybe wholeness in the family. He looks great. He is satisfied and adjusted to Navy life.
    He was a little bummed about Hawaii as a duty station at first, but now my impression is that he is eager to get through his C school in Whidbey Island and get to use his training to fix something.
    Andrew was homeschooled all the way to High School graduation. He went to the military to get away from College. Now after seven months of training he is wondering just what he escaped from?
    Another friend told me that VP-4 was good duty.
  • Greetings,
    My son is finishing up a Pensacola. He is an AEAN and headed to Whidbey Island for C school on the P-3 Orions. He then heads for his first duty station. Patrol Squadron 4 at Marine Base Hawaii. Do you have any knowledge of that squadron?
    Chuck Shrump
  • Thank you. I appreciate your time, Sailor Recruiter sir :)
  • Hi Sir!

    My son is recently enlisted in the navy and will be leaving for bootcamp this late November! What can you advice prior to his bootcamp?

    He was very confused before if what job he will choose among these jobs: Culinary Specialist (CS), Aviation Machinist Mate(AD) , and Personnnel Specialist (PS). What can you say about these jobs and what should he suppose to choose? But then it's up to him. For me any job in the Navy will do as long as they greatly and proudly served our country.

    What are the jobs that has plenty rooms ffor advancement? If my son will gonna choose Personnel Specialis(PS), will there be many rooms for advancement for him?

    Thanks Sir! Godbless
  • Dear Sir,
    I have a question!

    My son says "some" guys in his division are slacking off there at bootcamp. During battlestations are you "judged" individually or as a team?
  • NavyRecruiter Air. Thanks for joining us. I'm sure we will really benefit from your insight on the Navy. My son is ABE and is currently deployed on the USS Ronald Reagan at this time. He started a group on this site called Ask A Sailor. It was working really well while he had daily access to a computer. We are without sailors right now. So if you are willing jump right in. We as parents really count on our sons and daughters recruiters for help. Also anything we can do for you just let us know. Thank you for serving our country and finding the talent it takes to run the US Navy. Sincerely, EG
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