Devil Doc Hall

FMTB Camp Pendleton
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  •    I would guess they will bring you thru the front gate,Derek will give you directions I'm sure.

       The guys like to make tracks from the base, but take the time to drive thru the base is what

        I'm saying...Western White House outside back gate in San Clemente, also best surf beach in

        US, nice beaches to wander on etc long piers to wander out on in San Clemente.

        Will also give your Doc time to see where other units are on base............enjoy the time it goes

        faster than you can imagine..they are a special group of men and women_ those of us from

        the Marine Corps hold them all with great respect, they become part of the Corps for life.

             SF  Randy-go

  • Thanks Randy,

    He graduates at the end of Sept., so he's about halfway through.  Thanks for your imput on what gate to use.  We weren't sure about it. 

    Derek hasn't told us yet what unit he is with.  He wasn't able to talk to us last weekend because he had watch and also studying.  Hopefully we will talk to him this weekend. 

    Thanks again Randy.  I really appreciate the comments.

  • Good morning David,

      Looking at the picture of Derek he's made in thru in great shape, Enjoy the graduation

     and drive thru Pendelton from the main gate to back gate at San Clemente.

      Any word yet what unit he's going to be with ?

     Have a great trip enjoy the time............SF  Randy-go

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