I feel Dale's pain ( he really left! )

Yep. Dale I feel your pain. We have had to say goodbye to our son three times since he's been in the Navy. I said goodbye to Evan this morning for the fourth time in his short Navy career. This will be a long goodbye as he is headed for San Diego California ( a long way from home ). It doesn't get any easier or atleast it hasn't for me. My wife Cindy thankfully was able to make the cross country trip with him and will be flying home Sunday. She gets 5 more days than me. Whats up with that? Sometimes it's just not fair being dear old dad. But I am glad mom will get the extra time. ( she really needs it ) wait ( they both really need it ) I just wanted to chime in and let everyone know basically the same as Dale, ( he really left! ) My oldest of three son's has really left. It's just sad to watch your son leave home all grown up and on his way in life. And my wife isn't home this time to talk about it. So my advice to the other Navy parents on this site is to treasure each moment you have with your child while they are home to visit because it go's by fast. During Evan's career in the Navy I know my wife and I will take advantage of every oppurtunity we can to visit him but the fact of life with the Navy is you will spend time apart from your child. So whether they leave for bootcamp, A school, post, or even their cruise I think it will always be tough to say goodbye. I wish my son the best in life and hope all of his dreams come true and I especially want him to know he will always have a place to call home. Right here on Bradford Drive wherever he may be in the world he will never be without a home. I love and miss my son and can't wait to see him again. EG
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  • Hey son, Iknow I'm not Cindy, but if you need to talk just call me. Like you it was very hard for you to grown up and leave home. I still miss you not being here as it was when you were a child. But we grow in life and I just thank God we are living close and working together. I am blessed. I love you with all my heart, and a piece of that went with Evan today. God will sail with our sailor and all other sailors.
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