A Mother's Poem

I kissed and hugged him and watched him walk away
He graduated Boot Camp and is now on his way
He stood tall and proud as he walked and waved
I couldn’t be happier of the road he has paved
The weekend was short how I wished for more days
Just in awe of his presence and new Navy ways
His focus and maturity came in quick and nine weeks
I know he will find whatever he seeks
I am back to waiting for calls and the mail
Never knowing when the time comes for him to set sail
I will continue to wait for that next hug and next kiss
Not doing it daily is what I will miss
My son is a man now I need to let go
I don’t know if I can I just love him so
I am proud of my son and his accomplishments to date
As hard as it is I will continue to wait
I will wait for the hugs and wait for the kiss
I will continue to pray and continue to miss
Please take care of him God on his journey so new
It makes it easier for me knowing he has you.
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  • Im sending a note to the poster to see if they know who did it, I think there needs to ne a female version... I know the Navy doesnt see much difference but as a NAVY Dad, I do.... Love ya seeky..... Always have always will.....
  • I love it!!
  • My Dad'll probably laugh to find out that this actually brought me to tears. Thank you for sharing this.
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