
my son left for boot camp on 4/26/2010 i was told sometime during the first week i could contact his recruter for his address to send him mail anyone know when he would get that info
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  • I found it best to start your letter after they pulled down the road, adding each
    day to questions and thoughts you have.L
    Letters from home can not come to often, hard moments and getting used to
    so many new things.
    The time will pass very fast for your sailor, your time will move slower as we
    (parents) have to much free time.
    Good luck, he will do fine and you will be at graduation before you know it
    SF Randy
  • James, anywhere from two to 5 days after he gets to GLRTC the recruiter should have an address, usually the latter.
  • my son left on 4/21/2010 and i received a call from his recruiter on 4/26 with his address.i know this is the toughest part right now waiting to get the address .it was a big relief to me when i got the call because that meant i could communicate with him.
  • until processing is finished at Great Lakes they probably won't have ship or division numbers.....if they are in a 800 or 900 division they probably have their address already....go ahead a start to bug your recruiter and see if they have the info..........
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