Almost PIR!!!!

We leave tomorrow for G.L. for our son's PIR, driving from South Alabama to the G.L. Training Center. With all the recent past bad weather we decided to drive vs. fly: I will not miss this for anything !!! Jeremy is in Div 102 and it seems more like months (many) rather than weeks since we have seen him. I am a 20+ year retiree of the USCG and have been there and done that, but this business of my only son going through Boot Camp with little communication has been rough at best. His letters have gone from really homesick to being excited about thing to come, it seems to get "easier" as they get to the end of training. I think the biggest part of this is that they are becoming familier with and counting on their shipmates and not focused on their family at home. For those of you who are now sending sons and daughters to the Navy, it will seem like forever before you will see them again, just remember they are on a very good journey and it will help them for the rest of their life, You will be proud as I am and the difference in your "child" will be amazing as they have matured more in 9 weeks than with 2-4 years of college.
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  • Jerry, congrats on PIR be sure to take warm clothes. When my son James PIRed in Nov. it was about 20 degrees with lots of wind. My wife and I are transplanted Chicagoans and were ready, many others were not. It will be cold, and you will be outside. Use the taxi services from the hotels, saves hassel.
    I was amanze at the changes in my son. We were walking through the Gurnee Mills mall just talking, I had to stop and ask "Who are you and what have you done with my son"?
    Get to the base early to get good seats. Enjoy Chicago, Pizzaria Uno is a Chicago classic, Make arraingments to visit the Sears Tower. The desk people at the surrounding hotels know the drill, we turned ourselves over to them and they make it easy and a pleasure.
    Thank your son for his service,tell him all Navy parents are very proud of them and supports what he will be doing!
  • Jerry give your son my best and thank him for his service to our country. May you have a safe trip to Great Lakes and even safer return home. Cannot wait for your experiences at PIR.
  • HooYah Jerry! Be sure to post your impressions about PIR and any hints or tips you might have! Drive Safe!
  • Jerry, tell the new Sailor congrats for me. I hope y'all have a safe trip. I can't wait to see the pictures from Jeremy's PIR.
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