Facebook & Navy should recognize Navy Dads

As soon as I got the email re: NavyDads having a group on Facebook I went onto my page there and joined the group - it showed 2 groups there for whatever reason, so I joined both. Simple enough decision.On another issue - I would like to encourage every member here at NavyDads to send their Congressmen and Senators, local VA offices, local recruiting offices and whatever or whoever else you can think of letters, emails, personal visits, whatever, requesting that the Navy acknowledge NavyDads in the same manner the Navy recognizes Navy for Moms.As I mentioned to Navydads Creator, the recognition and promotion we are now getting for this website, which I believe is an invaluable asset for a Navy Dad or Family, should be stepped up by the Navy. The Navy knows we are here, so why not help their families by making them aware of us ??? For the Navy to not do so, in my opinion, is what a lot of people would call "typical military" or "typical government", right?? So why not save themselves the embarrassment and get our info out to those who can benefit from it ???A true analogy - When I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma in 01/02 I asked my oncologist if he knew of any support groups where I might find some advice and all that goes with a support group. He indicated that he really didn't know of any - yet he sat on the Board of The Wellness Community - one of the foremost charitable non-profits created for the benefit of cancer "survivors", as TWC refers to cancer patients !!I discovered this agency by accident close to the end of my treatments, and was able to take advantage of their support as I was recovering from the long lasting side effects from the particular chemo treatments I had ot have to survive. Fortunately, it was a curable form of cancer and I am now considered as cured.My point is that he we are, offering all kinds of support and information for not only Navy Dads, but for Navy families as well. It seems as though it should be a relatively simple thing for the Navy to include at least a mention of NavyDads, as it does Navy for Moms, in some of its recruitment information and in the initial info packs given to new recruits and their families.The reasons for why this has not been done yet is a bunch of old bilge, in Navy terms. Our new Navy families need our support and they need it now.Just recall how you felt when your kid joined the Navy, and if that doesn't get you, then think of how you felt the first time your kid was being deployed into a combat zone, and the lack of information you had available to you.I recall that when my son was on the T. Roosevelt and was sent out on Enduring Freedom as part of the 1st strike force there, how little we both knew about what sort of communications we would have available to us. Had I known that before he left, I would have been much more at ease about it. Even though I knew that he was probably in a safer place than the rest of us, a parent still worries.So let's all do our part to help other Navy families and be a really squeaky wheel in the ears of our elected officials in D.C. so that something happens with this.Thank you all in advance for all your efforts.A Proud Navy Dad - Frank Coon, Jr. - father of Lt. Frank Coon III
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  •      Wow, Just before my son left for Bootcamp on 4/7/15 i mentioned the Navy Dad site to his recruiter and he said that he had never heard of it. It would be nice if the navy did recognize the navy dad site. I wonder why they dont.

  • Absolutely!

  • Frank, I have wanted to write to you since you wrote the blog, your letter was very well written and your comments were great. The Navy should recognize the wonderful site our son created, we are so proud of him for this. (among many others) When our grandson entered the Navy our Son and daughter in Love were like all parents out there who's children stepped up to the plate to defend our freedom. It was a really confusing time for us all. But, as they got involved in this site and talking to other parents, some how it got easier. Maybe one day the Navy will acknowledge this site as a value to the Navy. That would be a proud day for all of us. Thank you for your encourgement to E.G., with people like you, we will continue to grow, be supportive and very much informative to other families. Go NavyDads!!!
  • Frank- THAT is very well said! HooYah !
  • You know, I think that most MILITARY DADS definitely experience the same emotions as the Moms, and their emotions probably run just as deep or deeper. No offense, Moms. My son has a Mom, too. I think men have a much better understanding of what military service is all about because they or a friend has experienced it. For the most part, it has only been in the last 2 decades or so that our servicewomen have gotten the recognition that they have greatly deserved for such a long time.
  • just wanted to take a fast minute and post something that EG had written awhile ago that gives a little more background:

    "A little background information. Navyformoms is owned and operated by Campbell Ewald one of the largest ad agency's in the country. Click here to see a list of their clients. Click on United States Navy and you will see Navy.com along with Navyformoms.com. They have a contract with the Navy to run the Navy's websites and advertise for them. The Navy does not own Navyformoms.com but they support it and fund the advertising for the site. When I found n4m's I thought a mother started the site so I decided to start one for the dads. I soon realized that I was wrong about a mom doing it. So Navydads will always be behind the moms site because of the fact the Navy endorses the moms site and simple ol' me did the dads site myself. They have money to advertise and I don't. So word of mouth and great members telling others is how this site will grow until it is a household name in the Navy community. I don't think recruiters will say anything about the dads site. But know this I care about this site and will put everything I have into making it as big as the moms. I'm a Navy parent just like you and hope this site grows to help many others. So in the end this site is built, owned, and run by myself a new Navy parent along with Paul and Terry also Navy parents and Navyformoms is owned and run by an ad agency. It will be tougher for us to grow but one day hopefully it will be a house hold name. So keep spreading the word about us. I thank everyone for making this site what it is today. 400 members! I didn't think we would get to 40. So it's slow and steady growth and I'm happy with that.
    Thanks again, EG"

    We walk a fine line with the Navy and getting them to support us...since we are not afflilated with the Navy we are not beholden to them for support or limitations of what can and cannot be posted....of course then we don't get advertising money either!!

    As our members come up with ideas and take the bull by the horns so-to-speak, the word spreads and we find NavyDads now on Facebook, YouTube, and others. Thanks for your input Frank...only through our members stepping ofrward can we know how we are doing and what we should be looking at!
  • Frank,
    Thank you so much for the support and for bringing this to our members attention. Like I've always said, a lot of us Navy Dads are just as involved with our childrens lives and experience the same emotions as the Moms when our children join the Navy. We don't always show it like the moms but we go through the same Anxiety's. When our children decide to serve their country and prepare to sacrifice their life for it's freedom it tends to make a parent worry for their safety, especially in a time of war. The benefit of these networks are that they prepare us of what life will be like for our Sailors. It eases our concerns and informs us of what lies ahead. Having a support network like ND's & N4M's to communicate with other parents and family members going through the same is priceless to a parent of a Sailor.
    I thank you for your support and your son for his service
    Sincerely, EG
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