First Letter

Coming to the end of our sons second week of Boot Camp, still no letter from him. We would love to hear from him, we know its part of the program, but you figured 211/2 years of being here with us, & now not to be able to at least pick up the phone and see how he's doing is hard for parents. I guess you all went thru the same thing. It's not easy!My Humble Opinion,An anxious Navy Dad.
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  • Marco, be patient. Our SR is entering his second week also. No letters yet, but this morning we received a surprise telephone call at 6:15am. This is their first Sunday under "Holiday schedule." They get a little personal time, for letter writing, possibly a phone call and going church. But I echo your feelings, all those years together and then poof! they're gone. 

  • Yes, I remember and still feel your pain, my son is seven months in and just left this morning, back to Hawaii, for his first "real' deployment, It was sure nice havin him home. Still very hard to see him leave, but very proud. We remind ourselves, what an incredible journey he is on, and what a difference he makes, in all of our lives. If I recall you should start getting letters shortly, it also helped me to sit and write letters back. Don

  • patience......

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