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Off to RTC Great Lakes

my Son, Dallas just left for basic training. He is traveling from Shreveport, La. He is scheduled to land at O.Hare around 1900hrs. I am having a harder time than I thought with letting him go! I'm not going to lie to you, when I got home from the airport I broke down. I know it is going to get better, but I don't like this feeling. " I'm a grown man with 29 yrs of military, i''m not supposed to feel like this!" I was filled with all of these emotions. Thinking about all the missed time with my Son and had I not taught him all of the essentials to get through life! He is going to be well taken care of by one of the best military's in the world! I'm not worried I'm, just, going to miss him!
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When do they get to write home?

Ok. I am so happy for all the parents that have recieved a call or a"letter" from their SR/ son/daughter, but how long did it take ? My daughter has been out of touch since November 24 th. I began writing her the day she left and when I got the address from the recruiter. I had seven lettters to send. Still. 24 days later and no call or letter. I am not putting my disappointment into the out going letters, that's not what she needs to hear. But for my self, I am weary, so very anxious and longing for that first letter! AND. I know. We will be three crazy weeks out of sinc! I write knowing she will read the letters sent shout a week later so I don't seem to out of wack with the real week she is experiencing. I'm sort of lost at the moment. It's another Friday and I'm on my way home. HopingUPDATE! thanks for your replies to this thread! December 19th I got a letter that morning and a "CALL" later that afternoon. The lines of communication are open finally and I 'know' she is receiving all my mail; all the mail. She can only mail letters out on Sunday and she has very little time to herself to write much and generally starts a letter and adds to it little by little as the week days go by. Life there is tough; she has her up days and lots of down days. The Division isn't doing so well as I'm told (phone status). Privelages are being witheld because of that.
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