looking back.

Wow... it has been over a year. It seems like the time Geoffrey spent in boot camp was longer than the time since he got out.

There was the worry about A school... then the worry about where he would be stationed...

The last year has been good. We got to see Geoffrey and had a tour of the base he is stationed at this Christmas. It was a good Christmas. Had a Navy Christmas dinner with him in the galley... It was good. Very good.

We are now saving to go see him there one more time before he gets reassigned... to where we don't know... and the worry starts again... but not for a year....

The Navy has been the best thing for Geoffrey...

It is still hard when he needs some help... or is it just we want to help him... But for now the worries are over...
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  • As we watch from home still ready to reach out to help, we see life has taken
    a step forward.
    Our advice and help over the years is in place and working....the hardest thing is watching
    The Navy adds to our work and gives them a chance to find their place
    in life and they become young men and women that do a great job 24-7.
    Hearing about Haiti, Iraq,Afganistan from your kids make you see they
    have moved forward and can now teach us many things about life.
    Great pride in being a Navy parent...your desire to reach out and help
    never goes away.
    Geoffrey will do great things I'm sure....SF
  • The time will go by much faster than you think...seems like yesterday I was at Kat's PIR and now she has completed her 5-year enlistment and is back to being a civilian....I cannot believe it has gone as fast as it has! Savor the moments...both the highs and lows for it is a once in a lifetime experience!!
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