Saturday duty day at A School

The alarm clock went off at 6:45, the latest I'd woken up since boot camp began. I didn't need to be down in the lounge for muster until 8, but I needed to chow before then (galley only, since other food places are not authorized when on duty). They called sweepers for Duty Section 3, then turned over to 4, and I'm free for on-ship liberty until an event such as posting for midday chow or my watch...or the dress blue inspection Duty Section 4 is holding to ensure no one begs off watch due to missing Service Dress Blue coat. As for myself, I have watch as "Pier Sentry" at 2000-2400, checking IDs against a ship roster to ensure only authorized personnell board the ship (USS Enterprise, the Enter-Prison).

It's not weekend freedom like most people get. I can't stop at the NEX or go to McDonald's. But I am here, and I might borrow a cell phone to call my Dad later.

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  • use you own phone! hit me up on skype when you can eyemclay, Im proud ofyou, did I mention that? dont forget your PT... get some folks together and go run or something... keep your swim in condition, never know when you might have to swim a few hundred miles or so.... Love!you! Bobo says your his diamond in the rough.... he's really proud of ya too!
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