Hello Navy Dads,
My name is Justin and I have been in the Navy for 9 years. My brother recently swore in and while answering his Pay questions, I realized how new sailors and their families can have little knowledge of all the different pays and benefits. I have created a website which is meant to help out my fellow Sailors (I don't advertise or accept pay of any kind) which is designed as a one stop shop for all current Navy pay information, and links to Navy related programs, benefits, laws, and discounts. Another part of the site is to promote financial literacy by linking to beneficial videos, articles, and other military finance or military finance websites. Please check it out and leave any suggestions for me. Thank you for your support for my brother and brothers in arms! Visit DeckPlateDollars.com here!
I was the dumb one for quite awhile with credit cards, debts, cars, etc. and then I found Dave Ramsey's program. Not only did my Wife and I get out of about $60,000 in debt in one year, it strengthened our marriage and we are now in control of how we live and how we will live in retirement. Baby Step 5 is a sweet place to be! Now it is my hobby to be financially fit and show others the way, especially Sailors. I sound like a walking billboard, but it really did change our lives. Thanks for all of your comments and I appreciate your welcome to the website.
I made Evan read Dave Ramsey's book his senior year in high school. He needs to re-read it! LOL