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Together We Serve..........Navy

Happy Thanksgiving to all.  I just want to mention a great site that your Sailors can help them keep in contact with their Shipmates.  Have them registrar with  "Together We Serve.....Navy"    This site has over 500,000 current and former Sailors so as time fades they can look up Shipmates. They are stories of Sailors locating shipmates and friends lost for forty years.

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Daughter graduated LS A school

My daughter graduated LS A school yesterday in Meridian Mississippi. I am sure proud of her! She is stationed in Quantico Virginia so they shipped her straight there. It will be hard on us a little as this is our first holiday without her being home. She will get to come home for Christmas though. Everyone have a happy thanksgiving!
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Tiger Cruise

My son informed me of the "Tiger" cruise the other day. I'm very interested in this and want to make plans. Is any other parents planning on this as well?It sounds so cool! Would love some feed back!God Bless ALL the Sailors!!
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son left november 6 when would his PIR be, wife is on the moms site they are saying recruiter told them december 31 because of holidays doesnt sound right to me

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My daughter will be graduating on December 12, 2014. I have made arrangements at the Red Roof Inn. I was wondering if anyone wanted to have a meet and greet Thursday12/11 before the graduation? I hear that the Ramada Inn has a meet and greet from 6PM to 8PM.

My daughter has asked that I adopt her and her fellow SR for Thanksgiving. Anyone have any ideas about a place to have a good dinner? They can travel no more than50 miles from the base. I have found Prairie Grass about 14 miles from the base Anyone been there?

I am a Marine veteran (66-73). My daughter entered the Navy at age 27. So far she is doing very well. Here name is Jessica Grant. As you can imagine I am beaming with pride and cannot wait to see her on Thanksgiving and at PIR. Her test scores were exceptional and she chose LS because she could not get nuc due to age. LS will be a good career for her.

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