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Best rates to get into?

My daughter, a college grad, just spent six months in a combined A and C school for advanced IT. She went to RTC as an E3 and will be getting a rate of E4 when she starts her first duty next week.  She was in DEP for nearly a year, and was pretty well prepared for what she would be doing in the Navy.  She humbly states that she was "just lucky" to get this opportunity.  I don't think is was "just luck."

An acquaintance of my daughter has been in the Navy for three years as a fire control technician, and has a rate of E3.  I believe she began as an E1 and has no college or DEP.  She contends that it is very difficult to get a better rate in this job.  Are some job specialties better than others as far as advancement/rate goes? 

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devices for SR and/or Sailors

I have a quick couple of questions for whomever has the answer...When can a SR/Sailor have electonic devices (cell phone, laptops, iPads, etc.)? Is it after all of their training is complete, when an SR becomes a Sailor, after their first deployment, or when they are done with active duty?
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John C. Stennis

My daughter is going to the Stennis as "undesignated".  I would appreciate it if anyone has any tips, advice, etc. for her and us to best deal with her deployment.  Thanks

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Off to RTC Great Lakes

my Son, Dallas just left for basic training. He is traveling from Shreveport, La. He is scheduled to land at O.Hare around 1900hrs. I am having a harder time than I thought with letting him go! I'm not going to lie to you, when I got home from the airport I broke down. I know it is going to get better, but I don't like this feeling. " I'm a grown man with 29 yrs of military, i''m not supposed to feel like this!" I was filled with all of these emotions. Thinking about all the missed time with my Son and had I not taught him all of the essentials to get through life! He is going to be well taken care of by one of the best military's in the world! I'm not worried I'm, just, going to miss him!
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