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First Week in Sasebo Japan

Michael's been in Sasebo Japan for about a Week now and loving every minute of it, Just like you said Lee.The excitement he expressed in his emails was pretty awesome.He purchased one of those cell phones you were talking about it's going to be nice just to hear his voice. His ship, The Essex was at another port and isn't returning till August so i think he thought "cool" I'll get time to really check out sasebo (NOT) they broke his bubble Yesterday and told him there going to Fly him to the Ship ha ha. He'll have plenty of time for exploring.Since arriving there they've been going out every day he said.He's loving the sushi, he's a big sea food freak like my self.How's Kevin doing Lee, have you herd from him?
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Any Suggestions for the weekend at Great Lakes

I got the invitation to graduation on Tuesday and my son sent a letter along with it saying to make sure that my tickets were refundable and all of that . You could tell that he is worried that he will get held back and not graduate. He says that his whole division talk about it all of the time. He will be graduation on the 17th of July (hopefully) and I am not sure of where to stay and what to do for the weekend because he says that the division will get liberty weekend. I am keeping my fingers crossed because I really want to see my son. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.Thanks,Christy
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Sailing the Sea

Well, it has been a little over 4 weeks since Kevin shipped out. Since then, he has already been in Okinawa and is now on his way to Australia. He said there would be stops along the way, but he can't tell me where he is at this time nor when he will be in Australia. Sunday was not an easy day as this was the first Father's Day he wasn't home. He was thoughtful enough to leave a gift for me with my wife. Kevin and I visit Barnes and Noble at least once a month and this year, he got me a gift card before he left and I made my monthly visit and bought what he wanted me to have. We keep in touch via email almost every day, whether it is a short email just to say hi or tell me the events of the day. Each day gets a little easier and like everyone else, I am so proud of what my son is doing and fine Sailor he is becoming. The only thing that bothers me is the fact the laundry on the ship is broken and it was broken before he left home. Isn't there enough money so these sailors can at least wash their clothes? My son said everyone on the ship was a little "rank" and he didn't feel clean even after he took a shower. Tonight, he told me there are only a few showers on the ship with hot water. What gives? I keep hearing about our military personnel are going to be taken care of, but what about the simple necessities like clean clothes and hot water? Is it just me or does something seem odd about this? Am I being naive? Well, I guess that is enough venting for one night. I am just thankful Kevin is enjoying himself and is on calm waters!
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Off to Japan

Well the goodbye's aren't getting any easier, This one I think was the hardest your right Lee" there's a big difference from sending your Son to Chicago and then Japan.Micheal left for Sasebo Japan Yesterday to join his fellow Sailors on the USS ESSEX he left at 10:00am Yesterday from San Diego and arrived in Sasebo at 10:00am this morning which is actually 2:00am tomorrow Japan time that's when i got the very short phone call "I'm ok Dad I'm tired and I'll call back as soon as i get settled Love you bye"I was proud of my wife she held it together (some what) pretty good.The confidence she saw in Michael throughout his stay helped her a lot.He's definitely a young Man now" And I'm one proud Navy Dad!!Oh and one more thing having Michael home on Sunday was the best Fathers day i ever had.
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Commissioning & Reporting for Duty

So, we're no longer "In Between" (the title of my last post). After a whirlwind 10 days or so, my daughter reported for duty at Officer Development School in Newport, RI this morning... I couldn't be more proud of her on this Father's Day.I posted before about Audrey's path to a military medical career, and hope you'll let me describe the events in her fledgling Navy experience as they unfold.After what seemed to be interminable waiting, her orders and commissioning paperwork finally arrived almost at the same time. She had asked a colleague of her mother's (who is a psychologist and Navy Captain, recently retired) to do her commissioning, but since he was leaving the country on business on the 12th and the commissioning paperwork specified the Oath could be done "not earlier than" 15-June, we actually had two oaths - the first ceremonial and the second official. Capt. Sammons met Audrey, her parents and a few other family at the USS Hornet museum in Alameda, CA on the 11th. In a stiff breeze on the Hornet flight deck, with a yellow T28B Trainer aircraft and our nation's flag as a backdrop, she raised her hand and swore the oath of office, "to support and defend the Constitution..." Since this was before the "N.E.T." date, we arranged with Marine Major Brian Coyne here in Stockton to do the official oath this past Tuesday, the 16th. This time at the local recruiting station with a small contingent of Marine and Navy personnel observing (along with her parents), she took the oath and signed her commission, along with her commitment to serve for what will likely be 11+ years in the Navy.

The rest of the week seemed to fly by, with a few days of her visit here in Stockton (she's lived for five years in San Luis Obispo, CA while going to college and for a year after graduation). Since her PCS (permanent change of station) specifies Bethesda, MD where USUHS is located and the National Naval Medical Center Bethesda base does not have adequate housing, she'll be living off-base. So, apartments to lease, goods (and car) to ship, and all of that complicated by being incommunicado for the five weeks of Officer Development School. She's been ramping up her physical training over the last two months, so hopefully that part will go smoothly.She got on a plane to Newport yesterday morning, with orders to report NLT 1100 today. I'm quite sure we'll next hear from her in 3 - 4 weeks. We're planning on a trip out East for her graduation from ODS at the end of July... I'll post more about that late in July...For me, this is a particularly poignant Father's Day, with concern, pride, and confidence in her abilities all jumbled up... I also want to wish all you Dads out there a truly blessed day.
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Another phone call!

Karen called again this morning. She said she had just finished her security clearance, so they allowed her to make a quick phone call. I got to say hi, as did Liz and Joy (her younger sister, for those that don't know). She told us she was wearing the camo uniform you see in the picture. She said she passed her swim test yesterday. She said she had made a good friend, and will be able to attend chapel this Sunday. She told us she gets up at 5:30 am when they turn on the lights and say "Get up!", and then goes to bed at 9:30 pm. Most of the info you read says they get to make phone calls for doing a good job, or if they get injured, get sick, or fail something. So it was great to hear from her, because we think the extra call must mean that she's doing well. We think she sounds more soft-spoken than before she left. I think as the weeks go by it will sound more and more like quiet confidence.
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Surprise phone call!

We got a surprise phone call from Karen today!I wasn't home at the time, but she called Liz's cell phone to say she needed one additional non-family reference for her security clearance. She asked for Bob's info (the owner of Love Christian Books). She only had a few minutes to talk, but said that she missed everybody. She said some of what she's doing is OK and some of it is hard. Liz said she sounded "humbled". By all accounts, that is what the first few weeks of Boot Camp are all about - humbling the recruit. Later on, they'll do the building up and make a Sailor out of her.Karen said she hasn't received any mail yet, but she had already bought herself a phone card. She said today is her last day of in-processing. Oh, and she said her Pass In Review (PIR) date is changed to July 31, so the info on the RTC web site for her Division is correct.
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Happy Anniversary NavyDads.Com


Where do I start?

June 18, 2008, I launched two days before my son's PIR. Once finding N4M's when my son left for boot camp I had a light bulb go off in my head to create a site for us dads too. I felt that we needed the support just as much as the moms but as men we weren't suppose to show it. To keep myself busy during Evan's boot camp days, I raced to have the site up and running before his graduation. June 20, 2008 my family and I watched Evan graduate as a United States Sailor. What a proud moment for a dad. June 21st my Sailor was able to see the site that I had created and joined as a member. It was my small way to show him how proud I was of the choice he made becoming a Sailor and serving his country.

June 24th, I had my very first dad join me, Jim Gramza. I'm happy to say Jim is just as involved today as he was in the beginning and I thank him for that. So, thank you Jim for proving to me that I wasn't the only dad who needed support to. I thank you for your friendship and support over this first year.

On another note, their was another dad that was just as CRAZY as me, Terry VanDyke co-admin of NavyDads.Com and creator of AirForceDads.Com. We didn't know it at the time but both sat at the same graduation watching our sons graduate together. Terry had seen the dads site was coming soon and anticipated it's launch. Well, he wasn't the first dad to join but I understand him missing the launch because he was traveling to Chicago the same time as I. Terry played a huge role in making this site a success and I couldn't have done it without him. ( I truly mean that ). Two crazed dads with the same mission, to build a site that us dads and our children could be proud of. Thank you Terry for being such a great friend to me and my family and for being such a vital part of the success of this site.

How do I explain this next dad? An absolute crazed maniac Navy dad joined us Sep. 4, 2008. Paul Corona our sites administrator joined Terry and I in our quest to make this site a success. He had twice the passion as Terry and I, which later we found out why. He not only had a Sailor serving in the Navy but a son and daughter both serving in the Navy. Paul jumped on board right away taking Navy Dads to the next level. Paul has been the rock of this site in making sure we grow and to help as many members as possible. Paul I thank you for your friendship and the passion you have for this site. This site would not be where it is today if not for your involvement, insight, and passion. I cannot thank you enough and cannot wait for the day we sit and are able to have a drink together. Thank you Paul.

I also want to thank every member for their involvement, support, and friendship they have given me over this past year, as well the success that Navy Dads has experienced. I could have never imagined the support that this site would provide for so many of us.

Also thank you to my family and children for the love and encouragement you have given.

In closing, I want to thank my wife Cindy for being so understanding and for putting up with me over the time I have dedicated to this site. As they say, behind every good man is a good woman. This couldn't be more true when it comes to my wife. I have the best woman, no offense to the rest. Cindy has encouraged me every step of the way. She has been there thru the ups and downs and has always kept pushing me to do better. So Cindy, I love you and thank you for making me the luckiest man alive.

To my son Evan, I wish you the best in your journey in the Navy and will always support you.

Thanks again to everyone for making this first year more successful then I could have ever imagined. May Navy Dads continue to grow and help many families that follow behind us. I look forward to many years of support, friendship's and success in this site' future.

Sincerely, EG
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He called today

I was so excited today. I was sitting at work and my phone started vibrating. I reached into my lab coat and answered without looking at the number. A familiar voice said hello mom i love you. It took all I had to hold it together. We got to talk for a while. I didnt cry until we hung up but boy was it hard. He sounded good but said that he was worried about graduating. I told to keep his head up and I knew that he could do it. He is doing great guys.He just wants more letters and hes going to get them. Thank you all for praying. Im still praying for your children.
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My son left for bootcamp on May 20th. I took him to the recruiting office and he went to MEPS from there. I didn't get a whole lot of time with him. I didn't even get to see him swear in. I think that it might have been for the best. I probably would have broke down. His first letter came in on June 12th. Man it felt like forever for me to hear from him. The letter was so sad. He had told me that he cried when he got my letter. I cried all weekend. It is heartbreaking for a mom to hear that her child is hurting regardless of their age. I was told to write him a letter and address his homesickness and then move on. I am afraid that if I address it, it will make it worse. Then on the other hand, I feel like if I don't he will feel like I don't care. By being a mother you are more sensitive at some of the times when you should be strong. Not all moms but I know that this one is. His dad isn't active in his life and hasn't been since he was 12 years old. He is missing out on a great kid and soon to be a great man. But, my question is should I address his homesickness or should I just cheerlead him on ? Any advice dads?
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We got the form letter today.

Today we got the form letter from Boot Camp. The info on the form confirmed her ship# as 13, and her division# as 267, but listed her PIR date as 8/7. That disagrees with the 7/31 date listed on the PIR Dates web page for Division 267. So we'll have to confirm one way or the other during the next few weeks. I read on a post somewhere on NAVYDADS about conflicting dates . I can't remember where it was, or what it said, so I'll have to look for it.In her little note at the end of the form, she said she missed us and her hair is "chopped". She also said BC seems to get better each day, so we were greatly encouraged! I'm sure the training is not getting any easier, so I'm assuming that she must be getting over her jitters and adapting to the BC life. In any case, it sure made us feel a lot better to know she's doing ok. She concluded by saying she would write soon.In the hopes that she'll get a chance to make a phone call later on, we mailed her a pre-paid phone card today. That way she can call one of our cell phones in case we're not home. (She wouldn't have been able to call collect to a cell phone.)
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Boot Camp

In case you're not up to date, here's what's happened so far:On Sunday June 7, we dropped Karen off at the recruiter's office in Bradley. From there, he dropped her off at a hotel near O'Hare Airport. She spend Sunday night there, and then early Monday morning (she had to get up at 3:45 am), they took her to MEPS, which is the Military Entrance Processing Station.At MEPS, she had an issue with a missing doctor's signature, so she called down to ask mom and the recruiter to help out. The doctor, unfortunately, was in surgery and couldn't be contacted until the next day. Therefore, she had to spend Monday night in the hotel. To make a long story short, it was a bit stressful for everybody - mostly Karen. She had to hang out at MEPS in a sort of limbo state until everything could get squared away the next morning (Tuesday).At about 1 pm on Tuesday, she took a bus to O'Hare Airport, where she hung out at the USO and got in a slice of pizza. She still had her cell phone at this point, so she called to let us know where she was. That was about 4 pm, and as she was on the phone, they called her to get on another bus to go to the Recruit Training Center at Great Lakes. I didn't think we'd hear from her again for several weeks, but she called around 9 pm saying, "This is my 2-minute phone call. I'm here, and I'm fine, and you probably won't hear from me for a couple of weeks. I'll be boxing up my stuff soon to send it home." Not much more than that!On Friday, her box of stuff arrived. Following the advice of others on this web site, I contacted her recruiter and got her mail address, so we mailed off our first letters yesterday.The big picture is that she'll be there at Great Lakes for about 8 weeks, whereupon she'll graduate. After that she'll go to her 'A' school, which is in Pensacola, FL. If you go to the Boot Camp Group on this web site, they have some great links and info about Boot Camp you might find interesting.And that's where things stand as of right now.
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