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Boot camp dads

are there any dads whose son or daughter has a PIR date of July 30th. Also anyone have a son in E.O.D. My son said he will be carrying the division flag at PIR. Is this a big honor? This is all new to us.
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no news

Son started bootcamp on June 1st. He called when he got there and we got the letter when Graduation was with the 2 little lines from him. We have sent several letter and cards. We have not heard anything back no phone call no letters nothing. I just wondered if this is normal.


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uss pennsy [bb-38

i rember fondly of the stories my uncle lewis carpender told me about his service on the battle ship pennsyvania. one i remember the most is when he had to go below about that time a suicide plane hit the ship. he told me the whole ship shuttered and this was a big ship! i ask him what did he do, he said he got the hell out of below decks, well the old girl survived and went on fighting . uncle jr. as we called him passed on 2 years ago. i will never foget him and i thanked him every nov. the 11th. for his service. in his honor i am going to wear his bb38 cap when cody graduates from ocs , he would be so proud of his great nephew!!
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Update after First Year

Wow... it's been a year already. I suppose Father's Day will henceforth represent a milestone in ways it didn't previously. A year ago, my daughter, Audrey, took her oath of office as an Ensign... the day before Father's Day 2009, she flew off to Newport, RI and Officer Development School. She began her Navy career as a first-year medical student at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda MD. Well, it's been a year filled with ups and downs (more of the former, but not devoid of the latter).

Her experience this year followed a mostly academic calendar, not unfamiliar to her father (I'm an academic professor and researcher). In medical school, the challenging first term course is gross anatomy (with cadaver dissection) and she busted to do well in this hallmark course. She also worked hard and did well in biochemistry (for which USUHS administers a "shelf exam" which is similar to components of the United States Medical Licensing Exam step 1)... you see, graduates from the Hebert School of Medicine at USUHS have to become licensed just like a civilian physician. Due to travel restrictions, she wasn't able to have the Thanksgiving holiday with us in California, but the Fall term ended in mid December so she had two weeks of liberty with us over the Christmas holiday.

Going back to such a challenge after liberty was as difficult for her as it might be for some of your sailors here, even though her challenges revolve around somewhat different content. Not that her duty is devoid of physical challenges as well... she's had to stay in shape as any Navy officer must - in her case with 5am workouts and the semi-annual PRTs. In the spring, her class of about 170 traveled to the Antietam National Battlefield in Maryland for what they term the Antietam roadmarch - six miles of military medicine history and re-enactments that complement some of their classroom studies on the history of medicine.

Over the Memorial Day holiday weekend, we traveled to Bethesda to celebrate her "White Coat" ceremony - an event that has become common in medical schools around the country to symbolize students' induction into the study and practice of medicine. We then toured the National Mall in DC, including some of the Smithsonian museums and the WWII memorial, while remembering POWs & MIAs from all our nation's conflicts. More poignant than ever before...

Having now completed her first year's studies, she has an interesting summer coming up. After a week's training (this year at Andrews Air Force Base on the other side of Washington DC) and two weeks of liberty, she'll be a part of Operation Kerkesner [video], a training operation that applies some of the skills learned in her military medicine coursework during the first year (EMT-like treatments, along with practice in field operations including chemical/biological warfare protective gear). Following Kerkesner, she'll be a "patient" at Operation Bushmaster, an exercise for fourth-year students who set up and operate a field hospital in the woods near Fort Indiantown Gap, PA. I say "patient" because the first year students are the simulated battlefield casualties (made to look as realistic as possible with expert moulage)... I'm wondering what "injury" she'll encounter. She then has a two-week clerkship with the Marines at Camp Lejeune, NC before another brief liberty and the start of her second year's coursework.

Throughout this year, I've been so proud of Audrey's dedication and service, as I'm sure all Dads here are proud of your sailors' service to our country. My thanks to them and to you this Fathers Day!

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Sullivan Sailor's updates

Well Ethan left this afternoon for a night stay at a hotel in Oklahoma City. has a date for a 4 am wakeup call. going to take his Physical and find out about the Job rate that he wants. He wants to be an M.A. His recruiter says that it looks as thoough he could get a July 2011 ship date right after high school graduation. Ethan says he should find out tomorrow if there is any openings for what job he is wanting, if there are no openings he has to go back next week and do this again.

On another note we got a call from Trevor this morning while he was in between classes for SSF (Ship Security Forces) . He was in the self defense class when one of his ship Command came into the class and requested to talk with him through the instructor. Trevor said that when his command came to him and told him that he needed to talk with him in private in the hallway. They walked out into the hallway and his command told him that he would have to wear his dress whites and be out on the field on tuesday morning. Trevor said he asked why am I in trouble? The command said no son you have been nominated by your MCPO for the sailor of the month. You have to be in dress whites as you will have to go before the board and answer some questions while they review your files and get to know you better. Trevor said if he gets this nomination that will put him in the running for Sailor of the year. All of this coming only after 10 months in the fleet with 4 months on deployment. Dad this will look good for me when I file my admiral in 21 officers courses paperwork. I'm not sure when trevor will find out about the Sailor of the quarter nomination but I know that he is very excited about this and can't wait to find out if he is selected.

I'm gonna give my boys a big BRAVO ZULU just because I can. I'm not bragging just very proud of my boys.

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C School Graduation

Wanted to check in today to say hello to my Navy family and share the wonderful news that our son graduated from C school today. We are so proud of him! I hope all your sailors are doing well, hope to touch basis more often.
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Another proud day in my life

I had another proud moment in my life today. My wife Sherry and I took our youngest son (Ethan) to the recruiters office and he has set a date of Thursday June 10th to go take his ASVAB test and follow in his brothers footsteps into the United States Navy. This was the first of many steps for Ethan to take to get into the line of work that he is wanting to do. We went through this 2 years ago with Trevor, so we knew the routine this time around. I can't wait to see Ethan to grow into the man that is in there just has yet to come out and show himself. We will see how far he goes in the coming weeks, months and years, For now he has a morning workout and almost daily drive around with his recruiter talking with other kids to talk about the benefits of joining the United States Navy. To say that I am a proud NAVYDAD is an understatement. I don't want to rush his senior year in high school but I am ready to get to my second P.I.R. and see the transformation of boy to man like we did in Trevor. Will keep you updated as we go through DEP and basic.
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Son's Job - ABH

We received a call fro our son today. He will graduate from boot camp on June 18th. His confirmed job is an ABH. He sounded excited and upbeat about his experience thus far. He said his school is for 7 weeks in Pensacola Florida and starts July 1st. We are going to Great Lakes for his graduation.

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