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Need Information On Boot Camp

I was extremely proud to witness my Granddaughter being sworn into the US Navy on Wednesday, June 27th!


We received the “arrived safe and sound” call.  Now I need to wait until I get an address for her so that we can communicate.  I have already started my letter writing so as soon as I get her address, she will be getting mail.


Needless to say, I am anxious about her being able to handle the Boot Camp requirements.  I’m sure she will succeed, but as a Grandfather, you never stop worrying!!


I have a copy of Boot Camp Day By day and I want to be able to use to to track her progress.  Just to be sure, today is June 29th two days after her swearing in, does this mean she is on P-2, or P-3?  Once I have this information, I think I’ll be able to follow her progress.


Any help will be greatly appreciated!


One PROUD Grandfather!

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I sat here and just re-read all my posts about my Tiger Cruise experience and realized I still had not completed the promised follow-up.  It is not that I haven't least a dozen times I've sat down to write this, but words eluded me.  I'm not sure why.  But I'm gonna try again- so please bear with me!!

Much has happened over the past few years and much has changed.  Kat is no longer in the Navy- her enlistment was up in '10 and she lives outside Seattle in Marysville and is attending the Seattle Institute of Art and Design and shooting for a piece of paper in web development.  She is in a good spot in her life and enjoys her life there tremendously.....she lives with her boyfriend (a great guy by the way) is really close to his family (Hi Julie!!!) and has a quirky pooch to round out her life (Gemma).  Life is good for her and she will admit that the Navy was good for her as well.

Eric x'fered to Hawaii last year after re-enlisting and is attached to HSL-37 at Kaneohe Bay at MCBH and does "O" level maintenance on the SH-60 choppers.  He also got married last year!!

My Tiger experience was pretty amazing...and it reinforced the role of the Navy in the world today.....well at least up to the past half year or so.  Government mandated reductions in manpower and costs may drastically alter the Navy as I saw is underway about reducing the carrier fleet and things like eliminating PCS x'fers and the like.   Let us hope that these changes do not reduce the defense nature of our Navy and that they don't imperil us. Enough of that....

Would I do another cruise if a shot!  I'd be packed by this afternoon!  That may never come to pass...Eric is talking about getting out at the end of this enlistment...we'll see.  Being married changes many things and we'll see where his priories lie.

The experience was pretty transformational for me....until then I had extensively seen and studied the Navy via books, TV, movies, the 'net, etc..  But until you walk the flight deck of a carrier at sea and see the crews performing their duties, it really does not hit home.  Since that time NavyDads has grown tremendously and many have gone on Tiger Cruises....I glean from their posts that they too, had the time of the lives!  For those that have the opportunity to go....DO IT!!!  I cannot emphasize that enough!  Not only do you get to see your sailor(s) in their working environment, but you come away with such a greater appreciation of the sacrifices that our sons and daughters make to serve their country.  It altered my view of many, when I watch things like the USS Iowa moving under the Golden Gate last month, it brings a tear to my eye...that rich history and tradition that our Navy has built it's foundation on. 

I reiterate....for those that have the opportunity to go....DO IT--- it will be time of your life and an experience that you'll carry for the remainder of your life!!!!


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Fathers Day 2012

     I didn't recieve a card from Trevor this year instead I got a box with an Under Armour navy hat in it and a note binder that he had hand written a note to me. In this note Trevor thanked me for all of the things that I had taught him growing up. Like being respectful to others, always holding the door for a lady or an elderly person and always being the last in the family line so that you know the kids are always acting the way they should and are protected from harms way.

     Trevor also wrote these kind words to me and I had to share them with someone so here it goes. "When it came to me enlisting in the Navy , you seemed to be the only person that didn't have a ton of questions. You just understood why I'd made the choice and supported me . It means a lot to me how actively involved you are on NAVYDADS and seeing a new pic of you in something that says Navy on it or posting something Military related on Facebook. I hear all the time how to some peoples parents, the navy is just another job. but when it comes to you, You've taken on this Lifestyle to the best that you can without being here in the thick of it. Thank you for making me into the man that I am today."  

     Talk about making a tough old dad break down and cry. I always hoped that I had guided my boys towards doing the right thing and supported both of them 100% in whatever they chose to do in life. This just goes to show that I must have had some influence over him.

    "Non Sibi, Sed Patriae"  Not for self, but for country.

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Form Letter

My son left for boot camp 6/4. We received "the box" shortly after he left and ltr from him 2 days ago. We have not received the "form letter", which from what we understand should have come shortly after the box. Is this a problem? His PIR is 7/27 and we are planning on attending. Do we need info from the form letter to attend PIR?

Thankful for any info. 

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My wife and I just attended the graduation of our son's next phase in his Navy career. I am proud to announce that he is now an EM3! Two more parts to go before Fleet, but this is an important step to his Navy brothers and sisters as they are now PO3's (E4), which as the Commander pointed out, have even more responsibility in how they represent the Navy. It was great to watch all those who participated today and probably most cool part was the time spent by the Captain, other officers, the Chiefs and Master Chiefs in their recognition of the graduates and in challenging them to excel to the next level.Also, the amount of time spent recognizing the families, both present and represented by the Sailors, was amazing.As the Senior Chief noted, the Navy has a close family bond, one that supports those who are working so hard to protect this great country. I was truly blown away. Congratulations to all the new EM, ET, and MM's.
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Thanks for all the help!

It is hard for me to believe that  a week ago I didn’t even know that this site existed!  The help and support that I have received has been GREAT!


I will be on hand on Wednesday to witness my Granddaughter, Dakota, being sworn into the US Navy.  I am already bursting with pride.


I am looking forward to being on hand for her PIR.  As that time gets closer, I’ll be back in touch looking for help so that I can have a better understanding of what to expect, and what we need to do.


My heartfelt thanks to all.





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in san diego

well are 10 days flew by and now my son is in san diego. hes been there 4 days now his ship comes in friday. he and a room mate went to the padres game tonite. so glade. his leaving again was very hard in glad hes havin fun. good luck to all. we all miss are children but it is a wonderful thing they have done. i am so so proud.

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My lil sailor

Just got promoted to petty officer status at North Island on Coronado in San Diego. I'm so proud of her. It's been unbelievable to see her growth and maturity in the past 16 months. Fellow dads and moms, be proud of your sailors. They are protecting the very freedoms we enjoy here at home and deserve our unwavering support and love.

Bravo Zulu all, especially my lil sailor.


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my son is home on 10 day leave aftr a school. ships out to san diego on 16th . things are much better now . his spirites are great and all seems well. once they get thru boot camp it all changes for thr better. my son made a graet move.

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Graduation !!

One week from today my daughter Jennifer will graduate with honors from Ship 3 Division 176 RTC. So proud. Woulds do any thing to be there but at least Mom gets to go along with good friend of the family.I will definitely be there in spirit. Family friend is an excellent video tech and Jenny has purchsed me a DVD. Bravo Zulu Seaman Barrett

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