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A teacher who gets it

A friend forwarded this email to me last evening, thought other Navy families would appreciate knowing how appreciated their sailors are .... 

    In September  of 2005, on the first day of school, Martha Cothren, a History teacher  at Robinson High School in  Little Rock , did something not to be  forgotten.  On the first day of school, with the permission of the  school superintendent, the principal and the building supervisor, she  removed all of the desks in her classroom. When the first period kids  entered the room they discovered that there were no desks.   
'Ms. Cothren, where are our desks?'

She  replied, 'You can't have a desk until you tell me how you earn the right  to sit at a desk.' 
    They  thought, 'Well, maybe it's our grades.'  'No,' she  said.
    'Maybe  it's our behavior.' She told them, 'No, it's not even your  behavior.'

    And so,  they came and went, the first period, second period, third period. Still  no desks in the classroom. Kids called their parents to tell them what  was happening and by early afternoon television news crews had started  gathering at the school to report about this crazy teacher who had taken  all the desks out of her room.

    The  final period of the day came and as the puzzled students found seats on  the floor of the desk-less classroom. Martha Cothren said, 'Throughout  the day no one has been able to tell me just what he or she has done to  earn the right to sit at the desks that are ordinarily found in this  classroom. Now I am going to tell you.'

    At this  point, Martha Cothren went over to the door of her classroom and opened  it. Twenty-seven (27) U.S. Veterans, all in uniform, walked into that  classroom, each one carrying a school desk. The Vets began placing the  school desks in rows, and then they would walk over and stand alongside  the wall. By the time the last soldier had set the final desk in place  those kids started to understand, perhaps for the first time in their  lives, just how the right to sit at those desks had been  earned.

    Martha  said, 'You didn't earn the right to sit at these desks. These heroes did  it for you. They placed the desks here for you. They went halfway around  the world, giving up their education and interrupting their careers and  families so you could have the freedom you have. Now, it's up to you to  sit in them. It is your responsibility to learn, to be good students, to  be good citizens. They paid the price so that you could have the freedom to get an education. Don't ever forget it.' 
    By the  way, this is a true story. And this teacher was awarded the Veterans of  Foreign Wars Teacher of the Year for the State of  Arkansas in 2006. She is the daughter of a  WWII POW.


Let us  always remember the men and women of our military and the rights they  have won for us.




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Hi, albeit a very short ceremony we are planning on a last minute trip to surprise (or partially surprise) our son graduating from A School this Friday, 07/25/14.Due to family work schedules it's only two of us, our youngest son and myself. The benefit would be two-fold; to show our continued support for our Navy son, and spend some one on one time with my youngest. And to take some pictures as well.The question, does it make sense to try and surprise him or would we need to get names on list in advance like we did for the PIR ceremony?Thanks in advance for any input.Gerry M.
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So, bad news first. I did not make it into the music program, but my current rating as an AECF is not a fall back. It is something I know I will excel in. I asked to be rolled in to an earlier date and instead of leaving in December, my boot camp date will be October 8th. The time I have left will be spent with my new daughter and wife. I hope to make sure they have savings and family/friend support before I leave.

I know uniform cost and the time it takes for pay paperwork to be processed will be factors. I've posted a picture of my daughter below. This is for you and our family's future Ellis! I am proud to serve our country and hope to make my family and friends proud.


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We missed 4 phone calls from USS Red Rover med center today my daughter talked to someone on first call asking about my sons allergies she told then none they asked who they were speaking with she told them Abbi Conner(15yrs old)Austen sister,she didnt know about him being allergic to Dialudid (pian killer) anyway USS Red Rover closes at 1500 cst I got home from work at 1545 cst called his recruiter he didnt know anything have to wait till tomorrow 0700.Any guesses?

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My Lil Sailor

Navy Dads and Moms around the country...

What a thrill it will be later this year when the USS America (LHA-6) is commissioned right here in San Francisco. My lil sailor is proudly served on board the USS America and will be leaving Pascagoula, Mississippi later this week for a sail around South America. She will likely be sailing some of the same waters my dad did during his 20 years with the U.S. Navy. I am so proud of her and the connection she is maintaining with him and others who served valiantly during previous wars.

May the crew enjoy calm winds and following seas.

Anchors Aweigh, America.

God bless you all.

Petty Officer Leah Wolfcale


Personnel Specialist 2nd Class Leah Wolfcale, from San Rafael, Calif., is serving aboard the amphibious assault ship America.


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This is the story that Navy outreach folks did on my little sailor.

After a sail around South America upcoming, the USS America (LHA 6) will be commissioned in SF on Oct. 11, 2014...What a proud moment it will be for our family past and present.

Petty Officer Leah Wolfcale


Personnel Specialist 2nd Class Leah Wolfcale, from San Rafael, Calif., is serving aboard the amphibious assault ship America.


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